©Susan Noyes Anderson, All Rights Reserved

The Miracle of Easter: A Child’s Story
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

Easter is filled with so many good things:
bunnies and babies and butterfly wings,
Easter egg hunts, colored baskets and bows,
showers and sunshine, bright blossoms, new clothes,
and secret surprises that hide in tall grass,
like candy and colored eggs, fragile as glass.

But Easter is more than the magic of spring.
It’s more than sweet jasmine and birds on the wing.
The reason for Easter is far more than these,
though its truth can be seen in the flowers, the trees,
and in all living things, as they take on new life,
overcoming bleak seasons of sorrow and strife.

In winter, for instance, plants die or turn brown.
Bears nap in a cave; woodchucks sleep underground.
A layer of ice and a blanket of snow
keep seedlings from sprouting, but deep down below
lies the hope of renewal when winter is gone
and the promise of spring as the cycle goes on.

This promise of new life belongs to us, too.
When we die, we can live again, just as plants do.
Even if we are under the earth in a grave,
like a woodchuck or bear, sound asleep in his cave,
we can rise up again when the season is right
and come out from the darkness and into the light.

Do you know why we can? Have you heard the real story?
Easter’s about Jesus, in all of His glory.
He came to the earth as a baby, remember?
We celebrate Christmas, His birth, in December.
But Christ didn’t stay just a baby for long,
He grew up. And He grew to be perfect and strong.

He was God’s Son, and oh, what great things He could do!...
Bless the sick, heal the blind, even raise the dead, too.
People thought He was magic, and yet He was not.
He was just like His Father, and all that He taught
was to love one another, to always be kind,
and to try to be like Him in heart, soul, and mind.

Christ had some disciples that helped Him, twelve men.
They loved Him, and He loved them right back again.
They tried to protect Him from envy and hate,
but evil men plotted and sealed Jesus’ fate.
Betrayed by a friend, beaten by leather strands,
He would die on a cross with nails piercing His hands.

“If thou wilt, let this cup pass from me,” He had prayed.
But God’s answer was no, and so Jesus obeyed.
He had power to save Himself, but He did not.
He remembered His mission and never forgot
that by giving His life, He’d be saving our own.
So He gave it up freely and said with a groan:

“Father forgive; they know not what they do.”
Then He said, “It is finished.” He died in full view
of the people who killed Him, the people He saved,
the people who put their Lord into His grave.
But do you think He stayed there, like regular men?
He did not. Three days later, He rose up again.

For three days, His loved ones had suffered and cried.
Their hearts had been broken the day Jesus died.
But now they were happy and calm, for they knew
their Master had overcome death. It was true.
Every life was eternal, forever and ever.
And one day, we’d all be in heaven together.
Christ loved us so much, He was willing to die
so that we could be saved from our sins, you and I.
In some wonderful way that no one can explain,
Jesus took from us all of our sorrow and pain
and made it His own; somehow, death was undone.
When our Savior arose from the grave, we all won.

Do you see now why Easter is more than a bunny––
sweeter than jelly beans, chocolate, or honey?
Easter is the day Jesus rose from the tomb
and went to prepare, in God’s mansion, a room
for each one of us, so we can live with Him there.
And THAT is a miracle beyond compare.
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This is beautiful! I love the idea of each of us coming from under the ground.
Very Very nice story! I am going to share it with my daughters! THey will enjoy it!
Oh beautiful, beautiful post, Sue! Perfect for this week meditation..
Sue. Your way with words is beautiful, and I'm so glad you saved this for Alphabe-Thursday and that audience.
Thanks for sharing it, and I may use a bit for my lesson today.
My favorite poem of yours.
I think it is the perfect description of Easter, of why and how it relates to spring...of what transpired, of what became.
I am in awe of you. Thank you for bringing Easter to my laundry room at 6:50 am this morning.
What a wonderful Easter post! Thanks for sharing and have a beautiful day!
looks like a beautiful path to walk along! {:-Deb
What a beautiful tour through the life of Christ. Oh how He loves us. I can't even comprehend that kinda love, that He suffered and died just for us. Fantastic Post sweetie!
I see you haven't entered my Happy Easter Giveaway...please pop over, I'd love to see ya win. :o)
God bless and have a fantastic day sweetie!!!
Absolutely wonderful sweet Sue! Another masterpiece. Hugs
Beautifully done! We love how you compared death to when animals hibernate and plants die during winter, but all is awoken in Spring. The Saviors resurrection is a glorious event worthy of celebration. We are looking forward to sharing your story with our family.
great story.
*Applauds!* That was outstanding Sue!? wow I enjoyed that very much and I can relate to new clothes for easter :) . I loved my baby doll jammies .
beautiful! Happy Easter to you and Dave and the family!
That was so beautiful Sue. I just love how you put words and feelings together.
beautiful, that's the word to describe it.. and easy enough for all to understand.
The Promise was fulfilled. Happy Easter.
Oh my, this is wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing it.
Lovely post and perfect for the season and the theme.
I will be sharing it with the children as well.
Thanks for the visit to my collection of Automobiles.
That was absolutely beautiful and reverent. I have been pondering the life of the Savior a bit today, and that was just perfect, going along with my thoughts.
Now if I can just read this without twisting my tongue or losing my voice!!! Pray for me.
I'm sure you'll do great reading this on Sunday, Mom.
PS. But I will still pray for you. It's always a bit anxiety-provoking to speak in church!
This must be the one for your grandkids. It just sums it all up so well. You always do such a great job.
As I read this I thought how wonderful it would be if every child could have this read to them in school. I know it can't, the law would not allow...but so many children know nothing of what Christ did for us.
This story needs to be published in to a book! Beautiful!
Sue, this is so touching - just the right words and thoughts. I will pass this along. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Sue! Happy Easter to you!
excellent retelling of the real reason for easter...and what it means to each of us...will share this with my littles....
Thank you, Sue.
Sue, Thanks for this lovely post. I am your Mom's friend that you met in I. W. I am following your blog because you write such lovely things that I so heartily enjoy.
Sue, that was so lovely, I am lost for words. Have you published this yet as a children's book; if not you need too. I am overwhelmed with what a wonderful writer and poet you are. Thanks for this inspirational message it touched my soul.
Hugs and blessings to you! LeAnn
Sue, what a wonderful and spiritual poem. You have done it again. Brava!
My daughters love this story. Thank you Sue... and loves the pictures too.
Fabulous job, Sue! I just this poem. What a wonderful way to share the story of Easter through a your gift as a poet. May God bless your poem to bless others!
Wonderfully said, beautifully told!!
Happy Easter, Sue!!
What a great one! Very inspiring!
Beautiful beautiful beautiful! I absolutely loved this! And so perfect to share with my little ones.
Sue, This is so wonderfully you! Thanks for this great story that I can share with all the grands.
Happy Easter..........cj
thanks for this, Sue! You can sure use your spiritual gift! I am enjoying the escape! Happy Easter to you and your family.
I like the use of images. Happy Easter.
I just love Easter and all that it REALLY stands for....we are looking forward to some actual Spring weather here ---so hopefully a splendid celebration indeed!
Sue, I LOVED this and I plan on sharing it with my children. I love that you have found a way, without entirely excluding it, to explain to children that the celebration of Easter is more than "the magic of Spring". My children enjoy the idea of the bunny and the egg hunts, but I have made sure to explain to them the real reason for the season.
Beautiful post! The perfect post for this special, wondrous, miraculous gift given to us...all we have to do is reach out and accept it.
Blessings & Aloha!
(Happy Resurrection Day!)
(and I love that your mom will be sharing your poem on Sunday :o)
So beautiful!
What a beautiful post and excellent nudge to remind us there is so much more than chocolate.
Happy Easter x
This is so cute.
perfect and elegant.
fantastic words and images.
Happy Easter.
Beautiful retelling of Easter and in rhyme no less! Thanks so much for stopping by The Simple Life. KDL
Oh Sue, what a beautiful Easter poem and reminder!
This was really excellent. I have printed it out and put it in my box of Easter books to share with my Grandchildren next year.
Thanks for another amazing link.
What a fantastic retelling of the Easter story; so much truth told so beautifully! Thankyou :)
What a beautiful job you've done telling the Easter story in a way that all children (large and small) can easily understand. I want to make sure that Katie sees this so she can share it with the little girls. Happy Easter!
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