I'm looking for the sun today.

I hope it doesn't stay away.

I know it's good to bathe the flowers,

but they need sun as well as showers.

And so do I. I like the rain...

(It trickles down my window pane.)

But sunshine makes me warm and bright

and washes all my soul in light.
You must be having the same rain we are getting this past weekend. Yesterday it rained ALL DAY LONG and did not stop once that I know of. That is unusual for this mid part of California. But we sure are having brilliant sunshine today, so perhaps it's on its way there also. If not, those pictures you chose are enough to cheer anyone up.
We have a legit cloudy rainy day around here. Windows are open and I'm loving every second. It's all in your perspective.
ah what lovely pictures...all filled with joy! like me some sunflowers...so spring! no rain here but not quite sunny...
We are also getting rained on, but it's so rare here that we love it.
I love the sun too, but rain always makes a rancher's daughter happy.
I WISH it would rain here, then at least the gloomy skies would be here for a reason. We have just been having day after day of the gloomy sky thing.
I loved your poem.....
I just came from the most incredible green fathomable because of that rain but my soul missed the sun. And what do you know...it's raining in the desert today. :(
Sweet Sue you are just brimming over with lovely poems. Another beautiful one this is. The pictures fit perfectly and are so sweet.
I love the sun and we have sun today but we need rain badly. Hugs
It's supposed to be rainy here the next few days. Since we don't get rain a lot it's a nice change.
Such a cute poem and the pics with it just make it shine! We've had much rain, but now we've enjoyed a tiny bit of sun and I'm so happy for that small gift! Rain tomorrow, then snow...ying and yang.
It's rainy here too...thought you'd like this...maybe...http://beinglds.blogspot.com/2011/03/sympathetic-soldier-by-jocelyn.html
Love your blog. Great pictures and uplifting poem today. Thanks Verna
very cute, and you are spot on that you have to have the rain to have the rainbows, and flowers (it's that opposition thing!)
What a lovely poem. We have had sprinkles here today. It is quite cold outside, so I didn't get to do my pool exercises, but I did do the treadamill and my stationary bike, so at least I got a little exercise.
I just love how you can write a poem so quickly. Tell me, do the pictures come first or do do the poem, then find the pictures? I bet a lot of people would like to know besides me. It's a lot like writing a song, lots of people like to know whether the lyrics come first or the melody.
Sometimes one, sometimes the other, Mom. Occasionally I have a picture I like, so I decide to find more like it and write captions in verse. Other times, I'll just come up with a little verse and then find photos.
One thing's for sure, I really enjoy putting words, pictures, and music together to create a mood. That's one of the things I like best about blogging.
Which one did you do first today?
I LOVE when your mother comments because then I learn a little more too!!
Beautifully written and the pictures are wonderful...I thought maybe a grandchild...?
My gess is that weather is coming this way tomorrow....only a little colder!
These aren't my grandchildren, Donna, but they sure are cute kids!
And to my mom - I found one of the pictures first today.
We had one of those perfectly beautiful Spring days here on the Ponderosa today but the rain...she's headed our way!!!
Gorgeous pictures girl!
God bless ya and enjoy this day!!! :o)
Hmmm.... wait. Did you hear on your son?
Hi Sue,
What a pleasant surprise,
when I clicked on the next blog...
and am able to step into your world.
A grandma that speaks out loud on the inside. You are such an inspiration and joy. Just want to shout over from here in Singapore that you are Awesome! =)
How I wish I can read one of your
Joanne & Jeffrey
It's hard to know which one I like more sometimes, but I really do think its the sunny days I like best. It's good to warm my old bones!
haha. I heard it was the first day of spring today. Could have fooled me. It snowed. ;)
Someday we just need a little sun. Ain't that the truth!
What's great about this...okay, ONE thing that's great about it is that it's literal, as well as metaphoric. I could use a little sunshine myself. :)
love the poem... a break from the rain would be nice
Mmmm. I love rain in the Spring. SO much better than snow (that we woke up to today). But after dwelling in the icy cold of winter so long, I am in complete agreement with you. The Sun is much needed and longed for at this time of life/year/etc. :) Beautiful poem. Those children are adorable.
I need to print this and hang it where I can see it everyday. I really loved this one.
those pictures were great! I came by late...hope the sun shines down on you
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