I love the earnest, wholehearted energy this little grandson of mine invests in everything he does...even turning lemons into lemonade. We could all take a happiness lesson from him, couldn't we? (scroll down for poem)
A Lesson in Happiness
©2011 Susan Noyes Anderson

When things don't seem to go our way,

we fret and frown and sadly say

that nothing in this world is fair,

then throw our hands up in the air.

Far brighter will our outcome be,

if we exert some industry

and do something our cause to aid.

(Like turn lemons to lemonade.)

for more happiness, click below
Love the picture of your sweet grandson. The only way to live is turning lemons into lemonade. Very nice poem sweet Sue. Hugs
smiles. lovely little verse to brighten our day...yes i think there is something to learn here...
Sue, as usual I loved this post. The pictures were awesome especially your sweet grandon and the thoughts brought a smile to my face. I love turning lemons into lemonade.
Blessings to you! LeAnn
Cute verse--but I am so in love with that picture of your Grandson! Its another one of those that you can look at and think of something different every time! Plus his busy face is just too cute. Thanx for sharing!
he's a doll! :)
Oh goodness, you captured the moment and his determination so well.
That is so cute Sue, both the picture of Bryce and the poem. I loved them both. I want that picture on my wall and I have no more wall. Whatever am I to do? You are the one that inspired me to put pictures on my hallway walls. What happens when YOU run out of wall space?
and see a glass as half full and not empty :-)
Ummmmm lemonade!
Sweet photo of your grandson.
Thanks for the smiles today Sue!!!!
We love lemons and lemonade around here.
That poem is really cute, but I like seeing Brycie best of all!
Such focus he has! I love moments captured like these.
This is so awesome, Sue! That 1st pic is precious.
What a cute post and there is much truth in it. I also like the name of your blog, it's so cute.
So cute! What a great post
wonderful! SMILES for everyone!! a great motto!
Cute! Thanks for my lesson in happiness!!
Perfect for a Monday!
Great way of looking at life.
What an adorable pix of your grandson.
A great way to look at life!
Great post - We definately cannot sit around watching the grass grow can we? Life is for living!
Could I just have a little sip of that lemonade?? Looks so yummy.
Wonderful words of wisdom. :)
Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com
After having a cooking session with my Grandson, I have to love your post, your pics and the poem. What a cutie he is! I've learned much from these smart little people!
I'm at my moms house in northern cali and the weather is HORRIBLE! We had big plans to visit the beach and hike but we can barely get out of the house. We're trying to make lemonades out of lemons. Hope I can keep my attitude up!
Very inspiring, Sue! I enjoyed it!
What a handsome grandson you have...beautiful shots!
Great shot of your grandson... great post! =D
Yes! That's a much better alternative!
Yes. Perfect. Love the picture of Bryce. I had my testimony of faith combined with patience confirmed yesterday as you know. There is ALWAYS that best path for us. Sometimes its just unexpected. I guess its human to despair when our plans don't come to fruition. But now I'll (hopefully) always remember that there is a better plan out there. Keep working, don't lose hope, and be patient.
oh goodness - him making lemonade is perfect!
He's such a cute boy- and he already has life figured out.
I like that. I have been feeling down in the dumps, and that was just perfect to help me see things otherwise. Thank you, Sue!
What a good helper! I love lemons! Especially in lemon bars.
This was lovely Sue. And your grandson is adorable!~Ames
when brennan doesn't want to do something, like eat dinner, he will say, "i give up." it's pretty funny. especially bc he doesn't understand that what he is saying doesn't really apply to what he is talking about;)
great poem and important lesson.
do you think that pic with the ant and cracker is real? hmmm...!
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