Thursday, February 10, 2011


©1995 by Susan Noyes Anderson, Lollipops Magazine

Sometimes, when no one else can play

I make up silly rhymes to say,

like pink ink stinks and bugs hug rugs

and thugs lug buggy rugs away.

If flies buy pies and guys fly by,

what kind of world does that imply?

Would nine swine dine on porcupine

to stick a needle in their sty?

If bees’ knees freeze, then what of fleas?

Do fleas’ knees freeze as much as bees’?

How high the sky? Can dry eyes cry?

My head is buzzing. Tell me, please.

Once I begin, I must admit

it takes a bit of grit to quit.

That’s why I play rhymetime until

my mother has a fit. That’s it.

Click above for more R posts.


Anonymous said...

This is such fun to read first thing in the morning. It was great to start the day with a giggle.

RedTedArt said...

Hooray for Rhyme Time!

La said...

Fun rhymes. It's a great way to start my day.

Terra said...

Adorable! So much fun to read, laughed and the fleas and bees knees!!!

Diane said...

I love rhymes! Reminded me of Dr. Seuss.
Have a great day! :)

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

u r super creative,

love love your take.


Anonymous said...

How cute!! Made me giggle. Thanks for getting my morning off to a giggling start. Hugs

Brian Miller said...

ha. fun rhymes today porcupine, run....

RNSANE said...

I've been writing rhyming poetry for nearly sixty years so I just loved this. Mine is not nearly so humorous! I think life jaded my sense of humor.

Grandma Honey said...

What a happy post!

Renegades said...

What a fun read.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Rhyme time...sounds like fun!

yaya said...

This is a fun one to share with kiddos.. You're so creative and you manage to entertain the old (me!) and the young...or maybe it's the young (me!) and the younger?!

magsmcc said...

I love this!

Lisa Loo said...

What gets me is that not only do you find and put together great word combos but you also always have great pics!

Donnie said...

What a funny and original post. Thanks for the laugh.

H said...

I love it! Great fun. Very Dr Seuss.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That is fun to read! Your rhyme and the photos are great together..

Lisa H. said...

I love Sue's views
and all of her news,
but I'd really like to read
more posts of Rhymetime...indeed!

Jackie said...

I like bikes and hikes too :P

Donna said...

You are so funny, honey!!

Darlene said...

I remember this one. You don't have to be a kid to enjoy it. No wonder it got published! I still don't understand how you found such perfect pictures to go with it, even though the "Mom" picture isn't quite "me" I never looked that good.

NanE said...

Fun post, thanks for sharing! Nan

Stef said...

What a fun poem. Did you make it into a book? I would totally buy it!

karen said...

This was fun to read - just the kind of poem kids love and take delight in! Your grandkids are soooo lucky.

Ingrid said...

That's a real nice post to read with my first cup of coffee !

Francisca said...

Well, doesn't that put a smile on my face!

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Sue, I love your rhymes. They get my mental motor going. Also makes me realize that I need to be a less of a stick-in-the-mud.

Lola said...

Great Alphabe-Thursday post - such great rhymes! Have a great weekend too and see you again soon,

XOXO Lola:)

Mary said...

So clever! Still chuckling over "nine swine dine on porucpine" :-)

Unknown said...

Hehe, this is too cute :) Strangely enough, some of your rhymes did get me thinking about the randome things. Like do bees' have knees? Do they freeze? definitely come up with some fun things to wonder about!

Liz Mays said...

You are too much fun! What a perfect post for me to read on a Friday!

Yoshi said...

Very intellectual and hilarious entry!!! Love it.

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

Great way to start my day, with a smile!

Judie said...

Wheneve I come her, I always know you'll have something that I will want to remember! This post is such a hoot!!!

Lourie said...

That made me smile. Thanks for that.

Amy said...

Dr. Suess must be mighty jealous! And now I am wanting to read a children's book written by the lovely Sue. So fun!

Tonya said...

LOVE IT!!! :)

VK said...

Love the rhymes.
Make me smile.

Splendid Little Stars said...

Oh, but that's so much fun! Don't EVER quit!


You are so creative! My grandkids would love that.

Jenny said...

Sue, you are a wicked wordmaster. Ooops, should have saved that comment for the letter "W".

Thanks for the smile!

Thanks for being such an important part of this meme.

Visiting you is always really wonderful!
