Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Grandkids Make Me Happy

Friends as cute as friends can be.

Down the hill with shouts of glee.

Make a chain and holler, "Whee!"

Catch a ride, then holler, "Whoa!"

(He's a gunslinger, you know.)

A real tough guy, as tough guys go.

Make each climb on eager feet.

Bag a salamander. Neat!

Holler "Victory." (It's sweet!)

make my life complete.

(Photos by my DIL, Heather.)

Click below for more happiness posts.


  1. They are all so cute. Great pictures! Your poem sweet. Hugs

  2. Oh your sledding looks like so much fun too!

  3. I LOVE your "holler Victory" photo! What adorable kids!

  4. That looks like a whole lot of fun. My mom is actually here visiting right now- so I love seeing a grandmother's perspective on grandchildren. It's so sweet!

  5. Ain't it the truth! Cute photos. They look like such fun kids.

  6. Awesome thoughts and pictures of your adorable grandchildren. Life is so wonderful when you can be with a grandchild. I have only one family that is near enough for frequent visits. I love your poetry.
    Your book helped me again with a daughter who is struggling with anxiety and slight depression. The chapter was Overcoming: Fear Not, For Joy Cometh In The Morning.
    It was an answer to prayer. This is amazing!
    Blessings and hugs for you! LeAnn

  7. Awww what good looking kids! I love the fun that shows through and the colors are great. :)

  8. How sweet are they?! What great photos and such a sweet poem to go with them. I love my own grandkiddos and get so much joy out of watching them grow and change. The little pleasures that make life complete.

  9. great pictures...they look like they could keep you busy for sure...smiles.

  10. I can tell your are a really proud grandmother. Great shots...so much fun!

  11. All the shots are wonderful! I have three Grandkids and couldn't agree with you more that they make my life complete.
    Love the Victory shot - lovely!

  12. My kids are still little and I'm already hurtin' for grandchildren

    I am crazy, I know.

  13. Love those pictures of the grandchildren. The only problem is that they grow up too fast. I'll be happy when some more of them come along. If only the rest of the group would get busy. Karin needs to adopt, Ryan needs to get married, Ditto Todd, although I'm sure he feels that Med School needs to come first. (Still there are a great many medical students who marry and let their wives help support them.) Oh well, in the meantime we still have those three darling ones to enjoy. I'm looking forward to seeing them soon on our "family meets Stacy" weekend.

  14. I'm with ya sista!! They are like a breath of fresh air or a step back in time to my heart! Yours are exceptionally cute and you have wonderful photographs of them in action!! Sweet moments that you love to freeze with your camera forever!

  15. Aren't children wonderful? Boys with their stick guns and girls with their bonding even on a sledding hill. You are rich beyond any monetary wealth.

  16. I love that Bryce makes guns out of sticks- your grandkids are super cute!

  17. Awwww, adorable pictures...adorable words!

  18. I can totally relate! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my grandbabies!!!

  19. What wonderful pictures and great adventures!

  20. Oh aren't they adorable. You could seriously print this post into a blog book with that poem and pictures as a gift to them. So cute.

  21. Some pretty cute offspring you have there.

  22. I can't wait to join the club ! Looks like fun to me :-D

  23. They are adorable. You're a lucky grandma. :)

    Marla @ www.blueskiesphotoblog.com

  24. Oh yes, grandparenting is the 2nd best thing next to parenting. But I have to admit, I have time to totally enjoy the grandkids more. I was too busy when I was doing 24/7 parenting.

  25. ohhhh that is so cute, and I mean the kids, and the pics and the poem about each one, they are so lucky to have you for a grandma!

  26. You will undoubtedly be the most popular grandmother around with this post! Wonderful!!!

  27. and somehow I think it is safe to assume you complete theirs as well.

  28. What a treat! Your verse is always delightful and true, whether attached to snapshots of grandkids or treasured memories stitched into quilts. Thanks for the reminders that happiness is all around.

  29. What lucky grandkids they are to have such a grandmama as you! I'm sure they treasure all their times at Grandma's house!

