Monday, February 7, 2011

Crossing the Bridge Over Troubled Water

Halfway between our homes, we met––a golf course in Vallejo.

Men lost themselves in sun, fun, friends, and golf.

Two women lost ourselves in words. Peaceful words.

Hopeful, dreadful, healing words––and true.

It was a brilliant spot...a brisk, bright day.

Sweetest of all? Just being there together.

Discussing life and loss and love and LIFE.

And motherhood, the blessing of our hearts.

The journey home brought sorrow and reflection.

Gladness and gratitude were also mine. (I used the time.)

It came to me that life is the full package.

And we?......Receivers of that motley gift,

with all its grimness and its grace.

Awash in guts and glory, life is ours.

As are the children that we bear in faith.

In bits and bursts of courage, we bear with them.

They bear us off to soar and sink to heights

and depths, surprising us each moment.

By giving birth to dreams we almost own.

(Filling, then dashing them in equal measure.)

The rhythm God's, not ours, and rightly so.

For yes, oh yes, their lives are His. (We know.)

We don't know why her son is called home early,

while mine remains to share dinner and dusk...

to live and love and light these bright, sad days.

We love but do not understand His ways.


  1. Oh Sue! The emotion in this one is nearly overwhelming. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, yet so happy for the time spent together. The reflections and thoughts shared. I wish healing for both your hearts. You have such a way with words. I am so glad you share them with us.

  2. I think that's the hardestpart - the not understanding. I hope your day together was healing and peaceful, and that you both found some solace in the beauty of the day, and in each others' company.

  3. That would make it a little too easy- knowing the why's. I'm a why child myself and love when those answers come, and am learning to trust without them too. Thanks Sue

  4. Some day, when all the questions are answered, and the doubts are gone..won't it be a wonderful reunion? Prayers for you and your friend.

  5. We sure don't understand His ways. I suppose that's where our faith comes in. Life can be so HARD sometimes.

  6. wow what a beautiful journey you took us your pics and your word...the reconnection of relationships and giving them over to the one that can nurture them...

  7. I'm just sitting here crying. I marvel at this gift of children we're given...and that the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh. I am reminded that they are not my own. If I would really believe that and realize I am raising borrowed children of God...then I would live my life differently. I can't bear the thought of losing even one of them, I can't imagine what their Father thinks. He must be so joyful when one of His children return home to him. I'm so grateful that I know that there will be a big reunion when this trial is over.
    I'm glad you two were able to go and heal and find some peace.

  8. This could have been me today. I found out that a friend from high school lost her three-year-old last night. And I still have mine. Nothing makes your child more precious than recognizing the loss of someone else's. Thanks, Sue.

  9. It sounds as if you had a wonderful day. It is so good to get together with close friends and I am sure some healing took place. What would we do without friends? I am constantly thanking my Heavenly Father for the blessing of friends and family. Between the two, I receive all the encouragement and help that I need.

    I loved the pictures, but your words were so perfect, so inspiring.

  10. Such a heartfelt post. With the music and your soulful's a tearpuller. You have a way of writing that touches your mind in thought provoking places. You must be a forever friend that people cherish! When a friend's parent died recently, I heard him comment, "now he know all the secrets." So true, we don't know why...but God does.

    You pictures were wonderful too...especially the awesome sunset...where one feels the end of life in a wonderful way.

  11. I don't know what to say. I am speechless. Very beautiful.

    I wish I would have known you were at the golf course. I live on that golf course.

  12. wow. tears streaming down my face. so glad you were able to get together. what a blessing true friendship is.


  13. Beautiful beautiful pictures and together with the words full of the emotion of the day. I hope you all loved and healed. Friends, real friends, true friends make all the difference in our lives.

  14. That's it Sue. It's official. You are an incredible woman. Thank you for sharing your blog with me.

  15. I hadn't cried all day - until I read this beautiful, touching post. Thank you for capturing in pictures and words what is in our hearts and for being there for our parents when they need all of us the very most. Cara

  16. Very beautifully expressed. And what a blessing for your friends to have you in their lives.

    A few years ago my best friend lost her son unexpectedly. It was such an awful thing and the healing of her heart has been very long in coming. But it did eventually come.

    I pray your friends will find some peace soon as well.

  17. absolutely beautiful post sue, filled with so much truth and emotion. Chin up pretty lady...

  18. oh I have goosebumps.

    you write such difficult emotions so well. thank you for this.

  19. I have been treading water in a pool filled with my own set of "Why's" lately--thanx for the reminder and beautiful words----

  20. Sue these pictures are amazing and your words are just crammed full of feelings! I was really touched by this post. Hugs

  21. I LOVE that you can just whip out a poem.
