Thursday, December 9, 2010

Of Kings and Wise Men

The story of the three Kings has always fascinated me. I wrote this lyric several years ago to a haunting piece of music called "The Wise Men" by Lindy Kerby.

Of Kings and Wise Men

©2005 Susan Noyes Anderson

Listen to the wind, the strains of an ancient song

are winging through the air.

Look into the sky, a sky lit with mystery...

a Star that is beckoning there.

O Star, will you beckon me there?

Look into the hearts of men who have lost their way,

who know not their purpose on earth.

Listen to the cry of wise men who watch and pray:

“The Star is a a sign of His birth."

“O, the Star is a sign of His birth."

Can you hear the song of angels around you?

Will you see the Babe, a gift from up above?

Will you sing the song, a song born in Bethlehem...

the song of redeeming love?

O, the song of redeeming love.

Find him in the wind...the sky;

your heart will sigh, “Jesus is born for me.”

Whether love is near or far...Follow His star.

Wise ones have eyes to see.

Hear the angels sing Noel and Alleluia.

May all voices ring with wonder and delight.

May we ever bring the gift of a broken heart

to the Babe born that glorious night...

to the Babe born that glorious night.

Listen to the wind, the strains of an ancient song

are winging through the air.

Look into the sky, a sky lit with mystery...

a Star that is beckoning there.

O Star, will you beckon me there?

Enjoy more K posts at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.


Cheryl said...

Really beautiful Sue.

Anonymous said...

This is just beautiful. I love the pictures you chose. The words fit the season perfectly.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Love the series of images you have in this post, and that story still send a chill down my spine every year!

mle said...

Oh Sue! What a perfect post for the week! In the midst of the season's commercial craziness, it's so important to have a gentle yet powerful reminder of it's true meaning. So beautiful {song, lyrics, pictures}!!

Gabe said...

what a beautiful verse. . .

I love the story of these three wise men. . .they had amazing faith even though they didn't have all the story, yet!

Unknown said...

Your beautiful words and pictures turned a light bulb moment on in my head.

Let your light so shine before me that they more glorify your Father which is in heaven.

We are those lights. And if we shine with brightness...we can lead others to Christ.

We are the stars in everyday life.

You are a star Sue. Keep shining brightly.

Jamie said...

I have always loved this story as well, I wish we knew more. I loved this post, it was truly a pleasure to read. I wish I could have this song on my ipod to listen to as I run around this December. Thanks for sharing.

jen said...

Beautiful. As always! Thanks.

larainydays said...

Beautiful lyrics. I wish I could hear the song.

Ingrid said...

and when I put up our crèche this year one of the kings is missing ! Fortuntely I have until Jan 6 to find him !
Beautiful pictures !

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

As always Sue your post are the best. This is so beautiful.
Come over to my site today if you can I have something you will want to read.

Wendy said...

I love the Wise Men. It shows to me that Heavenly Father makes preparations for His son and all His children.


Thank you Sue for posting that! Wise men do indeed seek Him.

VK said...

You came up with some beautiful pictures to present this. The lyrics and music are beautiful and make me slow down to enjoy the meaning.

LeAnn said...

Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and the lyrics. I love the story of the three wisemen.
You are so talented.
Thanks for the sweet comments on my posts.
Blessings and hugs! LeAnn

Lisalulu said...

that is just beautiful, and the pictures you found too. was the song published? wish I could hear the song.

4 Lettre Words said...

Wow...this is so lovely, Sue. Love, love, love!

Heather said...

great poem.. I love the stories and songs of the wise men

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

WoW, this is just beautifully written sweetie! I adore the words with the pictures you have chosen.

God bless ya and have a most beautifully blessed day Sue :o)

RedTedArt said...

Wonderfully suitably festive post. I just spent a little time with my son on the 3 Kings, so this a lovely addition.


SM said...

beautiful pics with lines

Unknown said...

Oh! This is perfection. I am so thankful I dropped by and beheld the beauty of your words. Thank you so much for sharing!

yaya said...

I'd love to hear the music with those beautiful're so talented. I've often wondered how great it would be to be able to see that star...and also to see that star and know what it means.

Unknown said...

Oh ... so lovely!
Thank you :) .


Vintagesouthernlife said...

This was so beautiful... the pictures and the lyrics.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Thank you, Sue! Your poem is beautiful.
Merry Christmas!

Jo said...

that was beautiful Sue, i love the images you chose as well.

Annesphamily said...

A perfect post for today! It is certainly the season! Anne

Lisa Loo said...

Such a gift you have! Thanx for sharing!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Sue! This is just wonderful! Your lyrics are beautiful as are the images you chose to go with them...thank you so much for sharing!
Have a wonderful day!

Darlene said...

So many voiced my wish that I could hear the music to these beautiful lyrics. You outdid yourself on these, Sue. You have reason to be very proud. Of course I loved it, but I want to hear the whole song. Is there any way this is possible? Where can we get the music?

Grandma Honey said...

You did it again Sue. Thank you :)

Judie said...

Sue, a lovely post. Thank you.

alpinekleins said...

Love these beautiful and inspiring pictures, I could just do Christmas every minute! I LOVE the spirit of the season.


Jenny said...

Sue, this reads so well as poetry OR lyrics. Your talent is amazing.

Even your Christmas letter is lyrical and perfect!

Thank you, my friend, for sharing these compelling and moving words for a season too often fraught with busy and crabby.

Your reminder is well taken.

Thank you for linking.
