Little Bits of Heaven
©2010 Susan Noyes Anderson

Little bits of heaven swirl around the manger bright,
falling softly as the mem'ry of that Christmas night

when all the world stood still in wonder at the Savior's birth,
and choirs of angels sang out joy and peace to men on earth.

Through all the corridors of time, I hear their voices ring.
Sweet visions fill my head as though I were remembering

the silence of that lonely night, the brilliant star above...
a mother's gentle touch, her eyes aglow with hope and love.

I take my place beside the wise men, hold a shepherd's crook;
the Light of all the World is nestled in this sacred nook.

My spirit knows that life on earth will be forever new
because of One whose love for me is infinite and true.

I bow my head in reverence, ere I leave the stable bare,
and passing over darkened streets, I feel His presence there.

In waking dreams of Bethlehem or in my humbled heart,
I carry with me every blessing heaven can impart.

I'll always find the Baby there and hear the angels' song
whenever I look deep within, where sacred truths belong.

And when I gaze upon a snow globe, I will ever see
these precious bits of heaven swirling in my memory.
One of the most special memories of my childhood was a Christmas snow globe that made the nativity seem so magical that I have never quite forgotten it. That wonder I felt as a child has always remained with me, and it is this feeling that I always try to recapture for my children and grandchildren on Christmas Eve. Thanks for letting me share a little piece of it with you.
Our tradition every year is to cook up some Mexican food (?!), then circle 'round to read whatever new story I've written for Christmas Eve. Afterward, every family member expresses his or her feelings about the message of that story. Of course, we sing carols, read 'Twas the Night Before Christmas', and run outside to see if we can hear Santa's bells, too. The kids leave cookies and carrots for that jolly old soul and his reindeer, just before we crowd into the family room to watch "A Muppet Christmas Carol" and shout all the songs at the top of our lungs. Even writing about it right now makes my heart happy, because I know that we will all be together in a few short days to experience what is absolutely our favorite time of year.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Click here for more Christmas Traditions at Jen Denton's Sanatorium
And here for more Christmas Joy at Dana's Bungalow 56.
Thanks Sue. You write lovely poetry and this was lyrical.
I just love what you write!!! My husband traditionally writes a story for Christmas Eve as well. He hasn't in a while, but he's bringing that tradition back this year. I need to join in on the fun! :) Merry Christmas! I really love you, Sue! You are a very special woman!
First I love the poetry you wrote and with the pictures it is just magical. Your family is so lucky that you write something and read it every year for them! Neat Neat neat!
Oh my I love your tradition of watching the Muppets and singing with them at the top of your lungs - ha ha - I can just picture it! You guys rock!!
I love this! It's beautiful, thanks for sharing. Your writing is such a gift.
I love that you watch the Muppet Christmas Carol, how fun!
I love reading about everyone's traditions because we don't really have any of our own. We're trying very hard this year to establish some - we'll see how it goes!
Thanks for a beautiful reminder of the reason for the season! Your traditions are fun...especially the Mexican food! lol
Snow globes! I had forgotten about those! And what a beautiful poem. I love how you always seem to so eloquently capture the essence or emotion with your words. Wow. I also love your traditions. I decided that the Muppet's Christmas Carol on Christmas Eve was going to be one of my family's traditions. Glad to see it works so well for your family!
My dad had a huge collection of snow globes, like 200 or more! I love seeing them....he has passed away, but I always remember him when I see one. Beautiful post!
We do Mexican food at Christmas too. YUM!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
If I didn't feel Christmas before this post, I surely would now!
How fun to have the whole gang there for such a great evening. I'd love to sit and hear your story too! Have a wonderful holiday Sue!
We do Mexican on Christmas eve too. Enjoy your brood all together. Merry Christmas
Your post was awesome as usual. The words and pictures touched my heart. I think there is something magical about a snow globe.
I love your tradition. I just imagine what memories you are making for your children and grandchildren. Blessings and hugs to you! LeAnn
i already linked up with jen! it was so fun to get me thinking about all of the traditions. i am still in the phase of my life where i'm remembering all of the traditions we did as kids, rather than the traditions we are doing with our kids b/c we're not quite there yet. i think we're just getting into the good stuff now:) loved your poem. loved the music playing. also, it was a snow globe out my window all day today. absolutely wonderful. the snow was falling in the same direction at the perfect slow pace. heaven.
My love for Jesus, my appreciation of your poetry and my love for all things 'family' brought a tear to my eye as I read this post, Sue. Your excitement and anticipation are palpable.
thanks for the gift of your posts all year long...
Beautiful poem and traditions, Sue. Can't wait for your family to arrive...again!
such a beautiful poem, sue ... and the fist photo accompanying it (of the snow globe) is incredible! And I really love those christmas eve traditions you have, too, how fun!
Thanks for visiting thru Dana's link party - it really is picturesque, especially with the fresh snow ;-) It's coastal Massachusetts ... hence the charm!
My mother inlaw cooks up mexican food too. She makes her own tamales and pasole :) Your Christmas traditions sound lovely and magical. Have a good one!
So beautiful and heartfelt. I loved the poem and the pictures. Most of all, I enjoyed thinking about all of you at Christmas time, even though we won't be there. It made me more than a little sad, but happy just knowing you will have all your family around you. It has been such a long time since I had you all at home with me. Enjoy it, because it won't be too much longer before they will not all be willing to come home. (when they have their own families and decide to have their own family traditions} Then you will be the one that will be traveling to one of their homes each year.
Muppet Christmas Carol? Really? Now that's one that's escaped my list. Time to add?
Fun traditions, they really do make each family unique! Thanks for stopping by to visit, and Merry Christmas!
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