Thursday, December 2, 2010

J is for Journey: The Quest

Those of you who've frequented my blog for any length of time are aware that we have a magic tree in our yard, inhabited by some enchanting elvish friends who are extremely fond of our grandchildren. In fact, these transcendent creatures are in the habit of leaving little gifts for the children to find every morning when they are visiting! Occasionally, they also leave them an old document or map that leads to a rare and often wonderful treasure. And that's exactly what happened this time...

Underneath the magic tree on Saturday morning was a leathery old scroll that opened to reveal a rune that was both a clue and a warning:

Beware, ye Dragonslayers,
lest ye rouse the Riders’ ire.
Touch not the eggs of wing-ed beasts,
nor risk Ruatha’s fire.
The magick of the ancient ones
doth guard this serpent’s nest,
and he who dares disturb its young
shall burn with all the rest.

Be not a fool! Lay hold the treasure;
take it as thy due,
but keep the bargain that ye strike…
or this day, ye shall rue.
To dragonkind, the hands that seize
this prize must e’er be true.


And so began the quest of three crusaders,

escorted by good men, faithful and true.

Has any eye beheld more fearsome seekers?

The dragon's keep is braved by very few.

Meet Master Jeremiah, Mistress Carli...

and little Bryce...proud warriors from birth.

Their grandfather is old and wise, a druid,

who reads the sky and writes on stone and earth.

He kens the ways of dragons and their doings;

he walks the paths they've known...honors their creeds.

Even the elves have trusted him forever...

as do the brave and willing hearts he leads.

The dragon tree is found at last. The nest?

'Tis hidden safe within a brace of trees.

Behold, the eggs are round and hard below them.

To seize the rope, Bryce dangles by his knees.

The seekers pull; at last, they have their treasure,

secure within an ancient wooden box.

They divvy up the loot. Such an adventure!

(These two can't wait until the next one knocks...)


It's not too late to enter my 700th post giveaway by leaving a comment here.

(More adventurous "J" posts at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.)


4 Lettre Words said...

Such a wonderful post! love it.

mle said...

What amazing memories you are creating for your whole family, Sue!!
I'm so inspired!! : )

Kim said...

That is so cool. The whole story of the magic tree with the special little elf door will leave a lasting impression on your grandchildren. I love this!

Renegades said...

What a creative fun adventure.

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh, you two are the CooLESt Grandparents EVER! That hike...the magic trees (both yours and in the forest) and then loot to boot?!!! So magical. Those kids will always remember that.

Jocelyn Christensen said...

That is fantastic!!!! I want to file this one away for sure!

Ingrid said...

What a fun for the children !

The Decorative Dreamer said...

How wonderfully magical! That is one very large nest. What in the world is that made of, newspapers? This is such a wonderful thing you do with the Grandchildren. They are going to have such beautiful memories, I just love it! I love the tree in your yard too, it really does look magical! :))

Life in Rehab said...

This was fantastic! And my Minions would have been armed to the teeth and by your side.

Amanda Lee said...

Fantastic! What lucky grandchildren you have!

Gabe said...

I want to come to your house, too1

I am going to have to tuck this idea away for me to use someday!

Amy said...

Oh my goodness, I love your elf tree, but the dragon's nest may have just taken the cake. Wow! Will you be our grandma too? I know I am a bit old for that, but holy smokes, I want in on the fun!

Anonymous said...

my favorite J post of the day :)

Anonymous said...

Your photos of the quest are wonderful. I bet they love to visit you to build wonderful memories.

Jamie said...

Love this! Every home should have an enchanted tree, it should just magically sprout when you find out you will become a grandparent. I hope I remember this when I'm the Grandma!

H said...

What a brilliant adventure. They will remember things like this for the rest of their lives :)

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

You have got to be the coolest grandma ever!

Judie said...

BRAVA, Sue! Great post!!

Lisa Loo said...

And yet---I have yet to receive my adoption papers in the mail.....{{{{deep sigh}}}}

Pat said...

The Grands must have been enchanted by this Journey - how clever and something they will keep close to their hearts in the years ahead.

Darlene said...

Well, at least I now know what a rune is. Guess I was just not into that kind of stuff. Anyway, it looks like I didn't ruin it for the kids. It does look like a great journey and I'll bet the kids loved it. Wish I could have been there to experience their excitement. But at least they showed me what the magic tree had for them each morning that I was there. Good post for "J"

RedTedArt said...

WOW! What a fabulous adventure! I bet the kids will remember this for years to come!!!

Great J post


Mary said...

What fun for your adorable little warriors :-)

~✽Mumsy✽~ said... your story here, Sue, and what a grant day to spend at grandparents' house. My little boy would have love this adventure.

Heather said...

it was a fun adventure... glad I joined them on the quest. However, I only had your camera so I need you to email me some copies of the pics. If I lift them from your blog they won't print well.

Grandma Honey said...

You take grandmothering to a whole new level.

Su-sieee! Mac said...

Glorious fun! I love it!
Peace and Joy, Sue!
Su-sieee! Mac
J is for Joy of Christmas

yaya said...

Now how did I miss this post? What a fun adventure and what great memories you're creating. So clever and no video game, TV show, hand held device that makes it impossible or maybe the word is unnecessary to look up. Hmmmm...the creepy woods at the Pines holds some treats me think!

Michelle said...

SO FUN! I love family traditions and this one really takes the cake.

Fun photos, too, taking us along on the adventure.

Francisca said...

What a jolly good J post, Sue. Such a wonderful journey in quest of a treasure and bonding across generations.

Jo said...

my gosh you just must be the most fun set of grandparents ever ... what an amazing adventure for those grandchildren ... I totally have to get a magic tree for my backyard ... and then patiently wait for my daughter to find the love of her life, get married and have babies .... oh the fun of it! geez you are inspiring!!!

Lourie said...

That is so cool! You are seriously a rockin' Grandma!

Jess said...

You are seriously the most fantastic grandparents in the history of forever! I wish I had a magic elf house tree too.

Jenny said...

OK, I know I'm older than you but can you adopt me. You are soooo amazing!