Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Oh, My Stars! And I Do Mean Dancing with Them

It's official. Dancing with the Stars has gone the way of American Idol, voting contestants off and on by virtue of looks and personality, with little or no consideration for ability.

But hold your horses dancing steeds for a minute; Audrina's got it all: looks, personality, AND ability. That girl has some major talent going on! So what kind of star-crossed voting managed to get her kicked off the show last night? I HAVE NO IDEA. There is no explanation. Sure, she needed to learn to let her feelings flow through her movement, but she was working on it...And she was improving, too. What's more, she was likable. So likable. Even her farewell speech was kind and gracious.

Of course, the judges lambasted her Monday night, so maybe they bear some of the responsibility for her demise. (They did look more than a little chagrined at her departure, and rightly so.) But even taking their uneven judging into consideration, I can find no reason why either the professional athletes or Bristol Palin should have outlasted her. In fact, my call for the finals would have been Brandy, Jennifer, and Audrina. So much for that scenario.

Ah well. Such is life in the TV world. Which begs the question, "Why am I even surprised?"

"Television––a medium. So called because it is neither rare nor well done" (Kovacs).


  1. I agree, last night was a shocker. I have to admit when the cast was announced and Bristol Palin was there I shook my head but I have warmed to her. I (surprisingly) find her very sweet and well poised for such a young woman who is not a show-biz gal. She tries hard and is improving. I felt the same way with Kelly Osborne a few seasons ago. She won me over!
    However.....Brandy can go any week. I find her fake with the "trying to make herself cry" routine getting very old! IMO.
    I am hoping Jennifer can make a comeback.

  2. glad you watch, I'll just listen to your commentary... and love the phrase, think I see another Wednesday Wisdom in the future!

  3. I'm still avoiding watching this. I'm afraid to get sucked into the vortex of a new reality TV addiction.

  4. You know, I hardly ever catch DWTS but last night, the baby was fussy and my 2 year old woke up so I snuck upstairs and crawled in my bed with both and turned on the TV for myself until they settled down. Low and behold, DWTS was on. Although I have not been watching so I don't know much about the dynamics, it struck me how gracious she was when she was voted off. I kept thinking, "Wow, she is SO pretty and talented AND super nice". Well, like you said, such is the world of TV!

  5. One of these days I need to take a leap and watch that program!

  6. I love that quote at the end- it's why I rarely watch tv anymore. That and it's broken, so I have to trudge downstairs if I really want to watch something.

  7. I can't get into that show any more. Don't know why. But thanks for keeping me up to speed.

  8. Oh my gosh! Dick and I were both surprised, disgusted and totally disgruntled. Audrina was our number two pick for finals. We both think that Jennifer should come in first. I still think she is a fabulous dancer, but I honestly think her body is hurting and she didn't do quite as well the last two times, but remember, she is the only one that has gotten 10's this season and she got two. Brandy was our pick for the number three spot, but she is getting so temperamental that she bothers me a bit. Still, she is a good dancer. I was so afraid that Jennifor might go last night. The judges were really hard on her this last time, and not so kind the time before. I think Derek is trying to choreograph some easier moves for her. I still would like to see her win, but unless she can give a little more, she won't. I was a little surprised at her temperament a couple of weeks ago too. I'm sure her neck is bothering her a lot.

    Altogether, we both think it was a grave mistake for Audrina to go last night, and I think we are going to have to vote for Jennifer now (we havn't been voting so far this season) Those athletes have too large a fan base....they both need to go.

  9. I agree with you...I felt sorry for her when the judges came down so hard on her. She dances much better than some that are still there and it was not fair that she had to leave. Hugs

  10. Amen and amen. I was shocked when they voted Audrina off. Sure, there's always room for improvement but... c'mon - she's off before Bristol Palin or Rick Fox or that wooden Kurt person? REALLY???
    And I agree with your mom - Brandy is starting to bug even though she's talented. She's a little too entitled for me. My vote is for Jennifer. She's down to earth, a good dancer, and has a nice personality. I want her old nose back though.
