What do you know of indigo?

It's neither here nor there.

Not blue, yet not quite purple

with a violet sort of flair.

Other colors know their minds

like yellow, red, and green.

They take a stand on one bold hue,

not something in between.

There's nothing wrong with indigo;

it's lovely as can be.

But I prefer a color

with its own identity.
This is very nice. Since two of my favorite colors are blue and purple I love indigo. Hugs
My husband and I were just talking the other night how the phrase "it's neither here nor there" came from our parents' generation. Every time I hear it, I think of my mother. I never hear the younger generation saying it, but I love it. So it was fun seeing it on this post!
I love this! My favorite line is...."other colors know their minds"...seriously that is the perfect way to describe those colors. And really poor indigo...doesn't know it's mind so well. :)
This reminds me of the ROY G. BIV I learned in school to remember the names of the rainbow. Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. I remember wondering what Indigo was doing there in the mix.
A little ambiguous, yes, but such a pretty color! :)
A gorgeous cross of purple and blue colors..
(Oh shoot...I see another Mumsy commented on top, but that's not me..)
Nice poem and pretty pics with the right colours! Like your idea of colour identity. Read my post and you will understand better the problem with Indigo: It has the wrong name!
Best wishes,
Anna's Indigo
Oh, I don't know... Really? Doesn't know it's own mind? Or does it - and it's taken what it wanted from the other colors to create itself in a hue that was otherwise lacking? Like a horn solo is good, and violin concertos are good, but a fully orchestrated symphony can make your heart soar. I've always loved the colors that are a beautiful blend.
So not your favorite, huh?
Kinda humorous today!
This is wonderful. It is perfect for indigo.
A perfect post for indigo! Wonderful poem too.
Happy Rainbow Indigo,
btw My Rainbow Indigo link is here
Wonderful poem! Indigo does have an identity problem, doesn't it?
I agree with Jill; therefore, I will be using the phrase "It's neither here nor there." as frequently as possible.
Thank you indigo.
Sue! What a wonderful treatise on Indigo...I sure enjoyed my journey through your post!
Great poem, beautifully illustrated :)
Personally, I prefer indigo to violet because I always go for blues rather than reds.
I have to agree with H on that one. I prefer indigo to violet as well, because i like my purply stuff with more blue and less red.
loved this !!! i feel the same way about indigo ...
I just love the way the sounds that that roll out with the word INDIGO, it sounds so fancy as it rolls off the tongue. Very worthy of a poem, all of it's own.
What a fun post. The poem was perfect, and the photos are beautiful. I love the word indigo, it sounds very mysterious and somewhat old-fashioned. And Mood Indigo is one of my favorite compositions! Kat
I am new here! Would love for you to come visit me too :)
Have a great day!
Well, that was cute. I do love purple and I also like turquoise, aqua....indigo....well, since this week I found out what indigo is, I like it too. You would think I would know that since I am a painter but...no.
Reminds me of the aquarium.
Lovin' those really cool pictures and lyrics! Love it!
It does have an identity crisis, poor Indigo :-)
loved the explnantion and the pictures you used in your post there. i know im more of a straight colour person myself too!
As much as I love indigo, I'd have preferred skipping it and adding crystalline brilliance to the end of the color list.
Fabulous choices to display this intriguing color.
Oh, love love love the pictures. I have always been confused by indigo. Though I too think it is a beautiful color, I share the same sentiments... though you put it much more eloquently than I ever could.
I love indigo- and all shades of blue and green too for that matter. Maybe it's because I change my favorite color every day of the week, that I can identify with indigo so well.
Geez. This was soooo incredible. I love your take on this wishy-washy color.
And the lovely photos you found to illustrate it.
Absolutely my favorite post for Indigo (although I do have about 20 more to visit!)
Really cool!
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