©1995 Susan Noyes Anderson, Lollipops

Sometimes I close my eyes to see

what’s going on inside.

At first, it just goes dark, but then

my mind’s eye opens wide.

I look beyond the darkness till

I find my private screen,

lit up with rainbow colors

that I’ve never, ever seen.

A yellow yummagummy bird,

a redalicious rose,

a purple popple-opplegator,

wearing sky-green clothes.

A submarine with four wheels,

painted fire engine blue;

a hibernating humphog

in a lavender igloo.

What fun it is to look inside

and see my mind at play.

It only takes a minute, but

it makes me laugh all day!
Love this post! I want to go play now :)
I remember doing exactly that as a kid! I called it watching fireworks though- cause that's what it looked like to me.
Love it!
Great photos, great play on words....
This is terrific, Sue! Love all the images you chose.
What a great post and the music was terrific. Hugs
Love the idea of finding your own screen!
Not only do you have a way with words...but what great pictures you find! I have never seen a blue firetruck. I wonder if that is for real.
Oh girl, how I enjoyed tourin' the rainbows inside your mind! I simply loved this post!!!!
May God bless your day and your 'rainbows'!!! :o)
Your are so talented and I love the pics you chose! Fun post! I needed that today!
Very cute idea and oh so clever ;-)
So clever...great images too :-)
Words and visuals--it doesn't get much better than that in my world!! I like seeing inside your mind's eye too! Sorry I have been a little absent in the comments but I do read you every single time you post in google reader cuz you are just that amazing! Will try to do better when I get more settles in the new digs....
Wonderful post for rainbow colors! Fantastic photos!
I still find it hard to believe that you can find such neat pictures to go with all the stanza's of your poems. I love love love this poem, and with the positively perfect pictures. this poem practically paints a photographic phenomina.
Oh my, this is one of 2 of my favorites on this trip! This post was fantastic!!!! I am sort of in awe SUE...you really really put together a very cool post!!!
Just had to add a note about the terrific music. I absolutely love Karen Carpenter's voice...and "The Rainbow Connection" has always been a particular favorite. The only problem is that whenever I hear her, I start to cry. Her life was cut short so abruptly and I keep thinking about all the songs she could have recorded had she lived a normal life span. Too, Jayne's voice always reminded me a bit of Karen Carpenter. Thanks for the post and the music.
Oh I loved this post...those images are so perfect! And that redalicious rose....sounds almost delectable.
This made me smile! :)
Ooooooh - so many pretty colors! Nice visual - reminds me of looking at the colors behind my eyes when I was little!
How very creative!!! I love the pictures you used!!! Made me smile!
You should write children's books! You have a gift of blending images with words that younger children would appreciate. Thanks for sharing. Anne-Marie
Those are some pretty awesome photos...for rainbow end...nice post...bkm
Oh, I love this one! Do you ever submit your poems to children's magazines? I hope I haven't already asked you this.
Yep, I used to get them published them a lot, mostly in Lollipops Magazine. In fact, that's where this one was published, years ago.
After awhile, the thrill sort of wore off and now I don't bother to send 'em in. These days, I just post everything on my blog and poetry website!
Sue, that was an absolutely delightful poem. I'm sure your grandkids love it. I hope to heck I get one soon...the granddogs are fine but, at nearlly 66 ( a couple more weeks ), I am worried about having time to enjoy one! My middle son married in May so I keep telling him to get busy!
At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )
( Go to my book site to see reviews readers have written )
This is terrific! I love the a purple popple-opplegator. He is so cute.
Wow!! I wish I could see in your brain all the time!! Just the names of the things in your brain intrigue me!! I have got to work on my imagination!
i do so much love the way your brain works ... great images, loved the music ... thank you!!!
What a fun, fun, fun post!!
Love this! It reminds me of being a child for some reason, when life was carefree and you could lay on your back in the grass and close your eyes and dream.
What a cute post this was. i love the play on words.
Very creative take on the end of the rainbow theme!
Thank you for visitng my post about 'Colors of the Wind'.
I see that you used your knowledge of Swedish and did not get tripped up by 'skicka kommentarer' instead of 'post comment' or 'forhandsgranskning' for 'preview', Well done!
I will continue to investigate and review films thanks to DVDs. (Home viewing is a feline breakthrough since so-called pets are not allowed at the cinema!)
Sara Cat
Anna sends her love and thanks for visiting her black-post.
For the benefit of other readers:
Sara Cat's Rainbow Mystery
Anna's Rainbow Mystery
What fun! I love the purple popple-opplegator :)
What a fun post! Makes me want to be a kid again and just play with colors without having to think so much :) Thanks for the inspiration!
That is just too sweet and cute. What talent you have.
Aw, I love it! Can you ask your om if your mind can come over and play? Mine wants to play with yours. It sounds like a perfect playground. :)
You're amazing! This was an incredible post!
Sue! You are a wonder through and through! I'm glad you see rainbows! You deserve each and every one!
Thank you for linking!
And, yes, I know I used too many !!!! but this link made me excited and happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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