Okay, I am not usually a huge fan of America's Got Talent, but I have to admit that this year the show has earned its name. Last night's finale performances were pretty impressive, and I ended up not voting because I couldn't make up my mind which act was most deserving. My suspicion is that each one of them will end up with a professional career.

I've already shown you a video of the young girl who sings opera, Jackie Evancho. Last night, she sang Ave Maria to near perfection and wowed the judges and crowd. My only reservation with Jackie is that I fear she is pushing herself (or being pushed) too far, too fast. The child is ten years old, and I'm not convinced that so much single-minded focus on one aspect of her development is healthy. Sometimes, things she says during interviews and her demeanor while saying them make the therapist in me sit up and take notice. Soooo, I get a bit queasy imagining her hurtled into a huge career at this point. Of course, she will have one eventually. And I do love her voice!
My personal favorite is probably Michael Grimm, a bluesy singer/guitar player whose voice is soulful honey to my ears. And his humility is pretty appealing, too, though sometimes it sort of makes we want to shake him...or slap him around a little bit. (I know, this is a complete contradiction.) Am I crazy? Perhaps. But I'm also crazy about Michael. And his rendering of When a Man Loves a Woman was visceral. Standing O from the audience, and Ozzie Osbourne is backing him, too (a dubious honor). Whatev. This guy can sing his heart out.

Prince Poppycock is San Francisco "camp" gone wild, and he does a good job of it. Besides having an operatic voice that approaches Jackie Evancho's, he is clearly a genius with performance art. Even if he isn't your cup of tea, ya gotta give him props. And he sort of is my cup of tea, sometimes. (How's that for ambivalence?) Last night he sang the heck out of Nessun Dorma. And I LOVE Nessun Dorma. I almost love Poppycock, too. Almost. Piers Morgan, on the other hand, buzzed his performance last night. Piers is a rather smug, irritating, attention-seeker this year. Just sayin'.

Finally, a bunch of frat guys who got together and dreamed up an act that will surely make it to Vegas, one way or another, has formed an act called Defying Gravity. It's pretty great to watch, reminiscent of Blue Man Group in one way and yet very different in every other. Hard to describe exactly what they do, but suffice to say that their bodies seem to float through the air, acting out a story that is visually compelling. While they are probably my least favorite, they are pretty dang cool. (Unfortunately, a slight but revealing error last night may cost them.)
Like I said, yours truly didn't vote! But America did. And tonight, we will all find out who the winner(s) are. My opinion? No matter who wins, he (she or they) deserve(s) it!
PS. I should have mentioned the well-choreographed number that included some of the most talented non-finalists. Those guys rocked it!
Sue, I too loved all four, but I was so disgusted when Piers buzzed Poppycock. That guy has a fabulous voice, as do the other two singers. I thought that Sharon was right when she said it wasn't an option to buzz during the finals. No one should have had that done to them after going so far. I agree with you though, that no matter who wins, he,she or they will deserve it. I personally loved Jackie's voice the best, but she is awfully young.....and to be performing in Los Vegas! I loved Michael's voice too. He reminds me a lot of Michael Bolton. It will be interesting.
I can't believe I was the first to comment.
I was sad to miss it, we were busily doing a fundraiser for primary children hospital- I only caught glimpses through windows at other people's houses (not in a peeping tom kind of way)
I have never watched the show but I have seen video of Jackie's performances. I get goosebumps listening to her - the same as I did for Susan Boyle's first performance.
Like you... I didn't vote for the same reasons. All three singers were awesome. Re: Piers, I think he is "prepping" to fill Simon Cowell's shoes. Loved Michael singing Bolton's hit... sounded better than Michael Bolton, in my opinion. As for Jackie... she is absolutely amazing. I taped the show and have played it over and over with my eyes closed and find that for me, Jackie is the winner! The others sound like stars we already have. America will possibly take in to consideration Jackie's age and make one of the others a winner. I was not fond of the need for such outlandish costuming with Poppycock. Would probably have liked him better without the props.
Sue, first thanks for your sweet comments on my blog..very much appreciated. I watched AGT for the first time last night..wow! Loved Michael and Jackie is destined to go far no matter what happens. Now I must watch the final tonight! I think Michael will win..just sayin'
I agree with everything you said. I don't usually watch the show but I've gotten kind of involved with little Jackie and the others. I too liked Michael Grimm very much and Poppycock is just weird and amazing all at once. I need to watch tonight to see who wins!
I do also wonder about these kids so young being pushed into a lifestyle of being on stage. I wonder just who is telling them to say what. Adults can really get into this, and they can convince themselves that it's all for the good of the child.
I don't watch this show, but as a theatre/music teacher, I really echo what you said about the little girl from a developmental perspective. And possibly vocally--a 10 year old voice--even a unique one-- is very immature and could be damaged if not watched very carefully.
Well, Sue, you really did pick the winner. I am not at all surprised because I think too many people thought that Jackie was too too young to have such a career so early in her life.
I'm glad Michael won. I think adult voters must have felt that 10 was just too young for a show in Vegas, regardless of her abilities.
Sort of restores my faith in people's good sense!
PS. And she will definitely have a career. No doubt about that...
I have only watched that show a few ties, but I am very interested to see the people you mentioned. I may have to watch it tonight... wait, this is an older post, so it is probably done now, hu? Drat! Good thing for Youtube.
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