Y is for yearning. And yearning is the word of the day, because that's what I'm doing. In fact, that's what my whole family is doing...from old folks to young'uns, grandparents to grandchildren, parents to siblings, aunts and uncles to cousins. Every single one of us is yearning with everything we've got for just one thing...the biggest wish this day could hold for someone we love and support.
That someone is Todd, my youngest son. We are focusing our combined energy and prayers on him...or more specifically, on his MCAT (Medical College Admission Test). He is taking it at 8:00 AM this very morning, after literally years of preparation, personal deprivation, and absolute determination. He has worked hard for A's in classes I can't even pronounce, taken late night shifts in the Emergency Room as a volunteer, conducted research in the cancer center oncology lab, and given up pretty much every minute of free time to study and amass extracurricular hours for his AMCAS (American Medical College Application Service) application. For the last few years, he has literally given his life over to fulfilling his dream of becoming an MD.
Now, in the space of five hours, a numerical score will determine whether he will be accepted to medical school next year. And I, along with the most loyal and supportive family ever, am yearning. We are hoping and praying en masse that Todd can perform to the very best of his considerable abilities.
(And we'd be most grateful to any of you who'd like to join us.)

Good luck, Todd. You deserve it!
I am stopping by from Alphabe-Thursday, and I am praying for Todd right now! What a hard-working young man! Wishing him the best of luck.
Prayers going up right now Sue. What an incredibly accomplished young man. I don't think people realize the amount of work it takes just to be admitted to medical school. Good luck to him, I know he'll do beautifully! Kat
I said a prayer for him too. It is so hard to have everything hinge on one score.
I sent a prayer up for Todd just now!
He will be in my prayers today, Sue.
Holding good thoughts for your Todd!!!
The world needs more dedicated doctors!
Todd you will do fabulously... you will be in our prayers all day! That is wonderful!!!!
I will pray that his, mind can be quickened and that efforts and work over the last years can all come together and be accurately reflected in that score!
Just remember, 'there is nothing so powerful as a mother's prayer.' Can't remember who said that, but my son heard it at stake conference once.
Please keep us posted.
what wonderful support, prayers and wishes from all his family,friends and others... Add mine
fingers and toes crossed :D
I'm sure Todd will love this post!
Respectfully submitted,
Matthew D. Anderson
Watching my brother go through med school has sure put things into perspective for me. Praying right along with you. Let us know when you find out when he passes.
I'm sure he'll do great- he comes from good stock of course, but he is prepared and 'if ye are prepared ye shall not fear'.
best wishes to your boy! xoxo, m
Oh I will pray for him! I've had friends in that situation before - it's stressful! I hope the best for him!
I am with you and your family today hoping and praying that your son does very well on his exam.
He has put in so much work - wow!!
I can't wait to hear how it turns out!
He is so lucky to have such a big, supportive and wonderful family!
Praying for Todd and wishing him the very best. Hugs
I did stop this morning and remember that this was the day. I hope all went well, although he be so worn out at the end, he won't know what end is up. Let me know how it all shakes out - I've been through this twice: once with my brother and again with my son in law. It's such a stressful time. Your beach vacation will be very welcome!
Count me in....he (and you) are on my list....we should all be brave enough to ask for prayer...that is what we are here for....blessings..bkm
my prayers and thoughts have been with you all today--hope all went well!
Thanks to all of you for your thoughtfulness and support. What a great bunch of women (and one man) you are!
Todd can't really tell how he did and won't find out for a month now, but we will be sure to let you know how things turned out.
One thing's for sure. Your comments really helped me through one stressful day!
Count me in! A big day for sure! the waiting for results will be a long road but it will come!
Well it sounds like he will make it and do very well! Prayers are heard and answered!
Well, I would have been praying too if I had read this earlier. He has one hour left so, I will pray for that hour. Please post later if he did it.
Sending a prayer from Texas!
prayers 4 u,
stay cool,
take a deep breath,
relax, let go of doubts and anxiety,
you will be fine!
Good Vibes that Todd did well!!!
Sending a prayer up now. Although I am late I'll pray that the results come quickly. I am positive an A student should pass with flying colors!
I know he has already taken the test but I know that God works outside of time so I am praying now!
I know your son will do it. Seems like he has done a lot of hard work and is dedicated. Good luck to him.
What a heartfelt request for a wonderful son!
I love this stop full of hope and prayer on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "Y"!
I would be honored to join with you for a joyous answer sometime soon!
My congrats and my prayers.
This is indeed a calling that will touch so very many many lives!
What a yearning indeed!
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