Thursday, July 29, 2010

We're Having a (Red) Ball at the Beach!

No summer vacation would be complete without the infamous red cups,
marked in black with everyone's names to avoid waste.

Or the red pens to mark our beach books, wherein we write notes to each other
every year expressing love and recording fun or funny vacation happenings.

And, of course, the red vines.

(cough) (cough) As for the red firecracker, I'm looking into that right now...



  1. I love that you have a color theme thing going on during your vacation. And yes, the red cups will forever be a part of any family gathering.

  2. You give me so many great ideas that I'm storing up for when I can have a family weekend. You and your family have it down. And I've always loved that "Red Rubber Ball" song. THAT took me back!

  3. Oh, that so made me laugh!! We just had out our red cups and red vines last week!!

  4. Summer school during summer vacation. Perfect!!!

  5. What a fantastic idea--vacation journals.
    I may be borrowing that one. Enjoy the beach!

  6. Summer school during summer vacation - such fun! And such great ideas!

    Happy Rainbow Red day,


    PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  7. Family vacations are the best. Have fun.

  8. I haven't had red vines in forever. They look great. Thanks for stopping by.

  9. I love all the red things! I'm a sucker for red vines too!

    p.s. Don't forget that you are my featured blogger tomorrow! I'm featuring your beautiful family wall! :)

  10. Sue, what a great idea to provide notebooks for writing notes to each other each year. You're an amazing hostess.

  11. I love the red theme, and the idea of vacation journals for everyone to write notes to each other. I'm so going to steal that one for girls camp.

  12. Hi Sue!

    Those are some fun reds at your beach cabana! I love red Twizzlers candy!

    PS I remember when this song first came it!

  13. Woohoo! I'm not the only one with fireworks! I keep bottle rocket to chase critters (possums, raccoons, skunks, armadillos etc.) off the carport at night. Yep, this Ozark farm chick lives waaaaay down in the boonies.

    Ya'll have a terrifically blessed day from the hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!!

  14. We are on our annual family beach trip this week and have our own marked red cups :-)

  15. Nothing like some time at the beach to put life into perspective, don't you know?!?!?

  16. I like the idea of writing journal every year! Wonderful post..

  17. Hey Sue! Loved the Red Rubber Ball song! That one really took me back, too, like Karen said! Every family get-together we have, even Christmas, I try to make at least all the grand kids (12) use the cups with their names on them! AND, most of all....I absolutely LOVE your vacation journals! OMG! What a fabulous idea! Thanks for the great info and fun song!

  18. Oh yes the red cups! I love the notebooks!

  19. i love the idea of the "memory" books...what a neat way to capture the fun and frolic of family vacations. i know everyone will cherish those for years to come...i might just borrow that idea! red vines..yum!

  20. I just love the notebooks with the RED pens. It's a great way to save those memories! It looks like you are having a blast.


  21. mmmmm, red twizzlers! a favorite!

  22. We used to buy those red glasses when my son's friends would be over otherwise I would have run out of glasses lol. I would love to have some of that red licorice. They are one of my faves, yum!!

  23. Nothing better than a family vacation. And the best ones are at the beach! Every time I clean out my pantry, I always find stacks of those red cups. I love the idea of the notebooks, what a neat tradition. Fun post! Kat

  24. Love red favourite...great post..bkm

  25. Those cups remind me soooo much of Chico state.

  26. I love that you all write notes to each other like that. What a fabulous idea!

    Great red theme you have going on there. I remember those marked red cups well from family reunions as a child.

  27. Red Vines! I haven't had one in ages!

    Love seeing those red plastic cups :) Brings back memories to the many, many family parties we use to have all the time :)

  28. Stopping by from Miss Jenny's party! Those red cups always remind me of summer! I hope my kids think that, too!!

  29. I love the idea of the beach books - wonderful way to store memories.

  30. Man, those licorice looked yummy! I loved the fun pics!

  31. fun, fun, fun! I love the idea of the beach journals :o) And yes, red solo cups are a must...and of course, the black sharpie to mark them.

    Blessings & aloha!
    still making my way through Alphabe-Thursday RED posts :o)

  32. Sue, what a wonderful stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's summer school.

    The idea of the beach journals is so clever. If I ever get to go on a big family vacation again I think I'm going to try that!

    Thanks for the smile and the fun music!


  33. Guessing you have a family summer place? That was a very cool post!
