Friday, July 30, 2010

Artsy Is As Artsy Does

Today I'm being featured by Caroline over at Salsa Pie, one of my very favorite blogs in blogdom! Since Caroline is as crafty and clever as they come, the fact that I am being mentioned there at all may surprise those of you who are aware of my status as perhaps the least artsy person on the face of the earth. However, you will (I hope) be pleased and proud to know that I actually did manage to create something that has nothing (well, almost nothing...or at least, not as much as usual) to do with words. And guess what? It turned out well!!!

I hope you'll take a minute to hop on over and check it (and Caroline's really cool blog) out...


PS. We leave the beach tomorrow. Kinda sad, but we'll be taking our memories of the sun, sand, and sea back home with us.


  1. I like your family photo wall. What do the signs say at the top?

  2. "Day by Day the Years Pass, Memories Stay. Love Lasts. Summer, Winter, Spring or Fall, Family Matters Most of All."

  3. Sue, I almost posted something about how you never think you are crafty, but I think you proved yourself wrong with your family wall project! ;) Could I be a craft-motivational speaker, or what? :))

    Thanks for letting me feature you. I hope you guys enjoy the rest of your visit at the beach and you have a nice weekend!

  4. That is so neat that you were featured for you photo wall - It looks great!!!

  5. Okay, I'm on my way to check it out. Have a great time!

  6. I l.o.v.e picture walls! Yours is delightful. I love looking at them, I love the uniqueness of them, and I love the memories shared. How fun that you were featured!

  7. Ehem- not crafty my foot! That is super cool Sue.

  8. Love your wall. Family pictures make a home so much more friendly. Slowly, after more than 10 years, I've been able to win LaMar over to the idea of them. I like the sign you had made too. Nice job!

  9. YOU are famous in your own right! and creative too!! YEA, I'm glad more people are getting to know you~

  10. I love your wall photos!! It sure makes me wish we had more wall space!!

  11. Doesn't she have a great blog?

    What fun to see you over there. I'm starting reading Summer School posts now so I didn't cheat and scroll down to your red post!

    Sorry you have to come home. That's always the worst part about vacations. Darn!

    Travel safely!

  12. Stopping by after reading Caroline's post about you. I loved all your vacation/beach posts. You're a lade after my own heart. I love my family more than anything and relish any time I get to spend with them. It looks like you had an awesome time. Good for you!

    Count me as your newest follower!

  13. Congrats on being featured.

    I would be sad to leave too!

  14. Well now, I love the idea of a family wall and those signs are wonderful.

    I like how, by showing the wall, she showed something about you I hadn't known.

  15. Love the picture wall and the phrases - I can soooo relate :)

