Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Classic Is a Classic Is a Classic.


At last! My Penguin Classics birthday presents have arrived!!

Along with the cute little bookshelf to show 'em off.
(including plenty of room for more)

I think we're all going to be very happy...


PS. Next up? A matching desk! (Might have to wait till Christmas for that one.)


  1. And what makes a classic even better? A beautiful book cover. This looks like a lovely and cozy corner where I would like to curl-up and read your books! :)

  2. Very, very nice. Hugs

  3. Wow, I am waaaayyyyy jealous! That is really, really lovely. Do you get a new one each month now or something like that?

  4. That is so cute....all those bright books lined up. Is is a book club?

  5. book club. Just some really cool editions of classics by Penguin that I wanted for my birthday. And then, of course, I needed the right book case to display them.

    A perfect b-day gift, and yes, I hope to get many more as presents in the future. The covers are so cool. Some quaint, some dignified, some whimsical. ALL lovely.


  6. That is truly a dream bday gift. I firmly believe that a properly endowed home should sport a bookcase in every room.

  7. They look so beautiful on your shelf...even if you don't read them. But I know you will. Keep us posted on that.

  8. Wow, what an incredibly awesome set! They look beautiful in that dark bookshelf, too! The Birthday gift that keeps on giving!

  9. I love that bookshelf. A matching desk would be lovely. Hope you get it.

  10. I didn't see any Stephen King books in there. Whoever put together that collection of "classics" is seriously misguided.

    Respectfully Submitted,

    Matthew D. Anderson

  11. They are stunning! What pretty books!

  12. Love the book case. I just moved a bedroom downstairs and have now fixed the room up for my office. It is so awesome and I can have all my books right by me.
    Have fun! LeAnn

  13. It is so neat to have such beautiful copies of some classics. I wish I had some of the ones we used to have. Wonder where they are now? Rich has a set of bound leather ones that Tammy used to make him keep in the garage!! I'll bet he will love having them in Tahoe now. I also love the look of the bookcase. I am sure you will love having it in your office and someday I'm sure you will find just the perfect desk to go with it. Can't wait to see it in person.

  14. I love the covers! And the bookcase is great.
    I want the rundown on the titles that you enjoy.

  15. Those covers are so beautiful! And the bookshelf only compliments the quaint look. Oh you are a very lucky (and deserving) girl to get such a wonderful gift! And I hope you get the desk for Christmas. That would indeed be a great gift!

  16. I envy your classic set from deseret book, I've been eyeing that one for a while now- It look lovely on that pretty book shelf.

  17. Jess, it was actually your post that turned me on to the Deseret Book set and prompted me to purchase it for my birthday pleasure.


