I used to be firmly in the camp of those who think a bit of bloggy music is a good thing, but more and more, I'm reading that people do not enjoy having music on a blog they visit because it either distracts them from the post at hand, interrupts the peace and tranquility of their work environment, or startles their nursing baby. (Hi, Jen.) What's more, lately I've hit a few playlists I definitely do not enjoy...and it occurs to me that probably not everyone is lovin' mine, either. On the other hand, the right song does add some ambience.
So, what say you, my friends? Does music enhance or detract from your personal, post-reading pleasure? I am really interested to know, so SOUND OFF! Please.
PS. If you have ever followed a link of mine and been glad you did, follow this one! It will lighten your heart, and that is a promise. (But don't forget to vote music up or down before you go...)

choose to click;-)
ReplyDeletebut most of the time my sound is muted on my computer anyway, so i don't hear it. i just never remember to turn my sound on until i open itunes, which usually means it's sunday or dinner time.
I prefer not to have music turn on automatically. But our computer sound is on only when there's something specific I want to listen to, so it's not a big deal. I just appreciate silence :)
ReplyDeleteI am usually watching TV so don't want the distraction of more noise.
ReplyDeleteThis am, however, I was rocking out to your "Oh, Oh, Oh....Listen to the Music"
Choose to click!!! I do not like the music one... usually when I am going through blogs I just turn the volume off so I don't hear it anyways, but if it happens to be on then I will go pause the song on the blog.
ReplyDeleteNormally I don't like music to come on automatically but I've always enjoyed it here on your blog. I think it's part of the personality of the blog. If I'm doing something that requires silence (like the children are napping or my husband is on the phone) I just turn the volume down. More than once I have a made a second trip to your blog to listen to the music. I think we have the same musical taste, but like you said not everyone will like what you're liking.
ReplyDeleteMaybe still having the music available but choosing click-to-play could be a solution for people of both camps...
I am all for silent except for your blog! Is that funny? I love how your music goes with your post and I have never not liked your playlist! So I say to leave it.
ReplyDeleteI've done both...and since it's my blog, I have songs on there that I like to hear. Yeah, it's all about ME. I like your play list.
ReplyDeleteI blog alot at work..(gasp, I know) so I am a no music girl, and my computer is muted, just in case.
ReplyDeletemy sound is turned down at work AND home. I like the Choose to Click answer.
ReplyDeleteI would say either or. If I am distracted when I hear the music, I just turn it down, but I too like the way you design your music to go with your post. I like your taste in music so I would say keep it the way it is.
ReplyDeleteWell, you know me - I always like your playlist. When I'm at work I always have my computer on mute, and when I'm at home I can always turn it down when I'm trying to concentrate on the post. Your music always enhances the post, though, so I like it. It's kind of your little trademark. In addition to the great writing, I mean. Some days I play your playlist all the way through at work. So nice!
ReplyDeleteI don't like it, mainly because I am listening to my own music while blog browsing and then I frantically have to look for the pause button or else I'm listening to something akin to Charles Ives.
ReplyDeleteAnd then, when I'm not listening to my own music, I usually hit the ceiling when a blog song comes on. :) I am easily excitable, apparently.
Love you. Prefer to choose to click, or just generally enjoy a quite house.
ReplyDeleteprefer choose to click also
ReplyDeleteI don't MIND the music, but i listen a lot to my own, so when I get to one, I need to remember to choose. But I LIKE all of your music, so I know and look forward to it. A few years ago, my 15yo sang What A Wonderful World in the car and a few other times at home, and then refused! It was so funny, 'cuz he could make his voice sound just like Louis!! When I'm listening to you, I like that one best! I sometimes listen to yours and then leave it on for the music while I add another.
ReplyDeleteI say no thanks to blog music. When I visit a blog with music, I mute their music so I can read their posts, without distraction. I like silence when blogging. Thanks for asking your readers what we prefer.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy hearing what music people like. If I don't like it,I just press pause, no big deal. I often go through playlists of blogs I like and decide which ones I want on my IPOD.
ReplyDeleteSo I say keep it!
That would be a big old nay for me.
ReplyDeleteNormally, I keep the sound on my computer off when I'm blogging, so blog music isn't an issue; however, when I forget to turn the sound off following watching a movie or something, and then I log on to blog....when music comes blaring out I jump out of my seat.
I can't read for total comprehension and listen to good music at the same time.
I'm a big 'NAY.' While I enjoy seeing other people's playlists, I immediately turn the sound off when I come to musical blogs.
ReplyDeleteYour blog is a union of words, pictures, and music. If I skip the music, I miss part of who you are. Shame on me.
ReplyDeleteRespectfully submitted. . .
Richard D Robbins
While I have enjoyed listening to most of the music on your blog, - love the Joshua Radin one, and sometimes I forget to click on people's play button if it is a choice, I still prefer the choice of clicking to hear it rather than searching for the pause button to turn it off if there is something else playing, or if I don't like it.
ReplyDeleteBut, I do like your music and it does add to the personality of a blog.
I like it best when I have the choice. Some people play music I just don't like, or it startles my baby. I always love hearing your music, but sometimes I have to remember to turn the music off before I get over to your blog because I don't want to wake a sleeping baby. Keep the music for sure, but an option to turn it on is my favorite!
ReplyDeleteAbout music--my vote is nay. I always turn off my sound before reading blogs so I don't have to listen to the music. Occasionally if I see they have something good, I will turn it on, but that is usually only if it is instrumental. I like music, I just don't like being surprised by it and I am not usually on a blog long enough to enjoy much of it anyway. Just my thoughts. :-)
ReplyDeleteI love your music coming on when I go to your blog. I guess because it always matches your post & your playlist is great! If for some reason I don't want to hear it, I just either click it off or turn down the volume. :)
ReplyDeleteCount me as one who would vote for silent BUT I've gotten such a kick out of how you choose music that goes along with your content, so I'd totally give you a pass on that preference. :)
ReplyDeleteI always figure if I don't like the music it won't kill me to hit mute on my computer or pause on the playlist.
ReplyDeleteSince it's your blog I think you should do what makes you happy!
But that's just me.
I enjoy picking music to go with my posts, and I enjoy hearing what other bloggers have on their playlist - I think it's a big window into their personality! If I don't like something, I simply mute the volume on my computer. Easy peasy! Kathy
ReplyDeleteI prefer the click- most of the time I'm already listening to my itunes and another song coming on sounds weird.
ReplyDeleteI'd rather there be no music. To have it there is nice, but I'd rather have the option to play it if I want.
ReplyDeleteSometimes it really detracts from reading.
I vote a firm "NO"! This is because I sometimes read blogs when I shouldn't (eg boring meetings). I have gotten in trouble more than once because I didn't turn the speakers down and clicked over to a blog.