Monday, March 22, 2010

Got Inspiration?

This amazing group of elementary school kids and their even more amazing teacher (I LOVE THIS GUY) from PS22 in New York are as talented as can be. I only wish we had more men and women with the ability and dedication this man clearly has for working with our youth. Just check out the looks on their faces, to say nothing of their incredible voices. They are completely engaged in every way. Don't miss these two videos, because both of them are inspiring to the max.

I'm only going to put nature sounds on my playlist today, but you may want to go over to the right sidebar and click it off anyway.

Did you like that one? Well, I bet you'll like this one even better! (If they showed it to Congress, we might even get them to start acting like responsible adults...)

Thanks, Nik!


  1. Thanks for reminding us that there are people out there doing their best, not sweeping legislation under a rug on a Sunday.
    I . . . was busy sharing a delightful poem to my Relief Society sisters written by a dear friend. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks.
    Hugs to you today!

  2. Wow- what great songs! Seriously, those kids could teach con-gress a thing or two about being an adult.

  3. What great kids! They are really good!! How fortunate they are to have such a great teacher. We need to put music back in the schools. It makes a difference, it really does. So glad you shared this one.

  4. so awesome! I feel I was saved by music. in highschool especially. it is so important to have it as apart of our education. I wish I could be/do something like that teacher.

  5. Those was so beautiful. Those kids and their teacher are incredible. I love the message especially in the first one.

    Thanks for sharing - there is definately good going on in this world :D

    Makes me happy!

  6. and Yes - Excuse my grammer.

    Pretend like you really read...Those both were so beautiful!

  7. What a talented bunch of kids. And an even more talented teacher. I'm so impressed.

  8. Just really makes me wonder how this teacher got these kids to be so completely engaged in these songs. Really, how did he do it? It's like they are acting all the while they are singing, yet it comes right from their very soul. That 2nd song really did something to me. I'd like to see these kids again...wonder if they are all performers...

  9. So inspiring! The children WERE so engaged and their small bodies just filled to the brim with the message of the music speaking to their souls! This is how I feel when I'm involved with music--thanx for sharing!

    Side story:
    First of all, I live in a forest in the middle of nowhere Montana so nature sounds are normal.
    So, I am sitting here listening to and watching the video's and I could not figure out what was going on? I was looking and looking to see if it was being played on the video, then I started to look around my room to see if there was a bug infestation. I'm sure it would have been hilarious if someone were watching.

    Word verification: coosip

    What dove's do when they talk about each other.

    That was the first word verification I have EVER done--be gentle :0)

  10. Wow. I am totally crying after watching that. It reminds me so much of a teacher I had when I was around the same age as those children. To this day I think about the songs he taught us and I sing them to my children. What a talented teacher to inspire such awesomeness from those lovely children...

  11. That was a great way to start the day, thanks!
