Saturday, March 20, 2010

Friends, Funerals, and Forever

Well, I'm sitting in my sister's kitchen, and everyone's gone to bed. I know I should do the same, but I can't quite seem to let go of this day. With all its highs, lows, hugs, handshakes, heartaches and memories, it was about as sweet, sad and emotion-filled a Saturday as I've spent in recent years. I still haven't come down from it all. And that's as it should be.

After every last good-bye was said, we were about to head home to Northern California when my son decided to drive nearly two hours across town with his family to meet us for dinner. Oh, how I love my grandchildren! And their parents ain't bad, either. (Thanks for braving the traffic, guys.)

My oldest grandson brought me a gift...a shell he had found on the beach. It was small but perfectly formed, and when I put it up to my ear, I heard a sea of love, love, love.

Thanks, J. Sweet dreams.



  1. I am the same way. A friend's loss is so bittersweet. The reunion of survivors is hard to let go of - as if, somehow, you'd be letting go of the one temporarily gone. I know that doesn't make sense, but that's how I feel, and it'll stay with me for quite awhile.
    Aren't children sweet? They give so much comfort and joy just by their innocence. You're a lucky woman, Sue - so much wealth in your family ties. I hope your heart is feeling better soon.

  2. Sweet post. We must be on the same wave length - I just posted about something like that. A friend passed away yesterday; so thankful for a The Plan of Salvation!

  3. Isn't it the little gifts like that that mean the most! Especially, anything that comes from the hands of a grandchild...

  4. Oh enjoy the love!!
    Grandkids will save the day for me someday I hope. :)

  5. I'm glad you got to see Matt and the kids. At least we got to see Heather and it did seem strange to have her here without Matt and the kids. It was neat though and we really were sorry when she decided not to stay over.

    Wish we could have driven over to see you but we just couldn't get away. Dick had to be at a disciplinary court. It's the third one in a week. Honestly our young people seem to have lots of problems these days. It is so sad.

    I'm so glad you and Dave were able to go to the funeral and that you got to see so many of your old friends.

  6. Jeramiah was so sweet to give you such a perfect shell. It reminded me of Ryan. He keeps giving me rocks. Rocks of all kind and when he comes he looks for each one of them and if I don't have them in view, he gives me what for. And I do cherish each one, really!

  7. Old friends give such a realization that eternity will be filled with great times for us.
    Something to look forward to.

  8. This is beautiful. I miss your posts. I'll be back soon!

  9. A shell from the beach - a perfect gift! You'll be able to think of that evening each time you hold it to your ear to remind you of the sounds of the sea! Lucky Grandma you :)

