Here's a little taste of the talk I gave today in Sacrament meeting.

In the sweet mountain air,

In the sound of the sea,

In the song of a bird,

Or the shade of a tree,

The peace you are seeking

Will ever abound.

In all of Creation,

God's love can be found.
I would have enjoyed hearing your talk. Aren't you glad it's behind you now?
I'll bet it was beautiful AND inspirational. (are? you glad its over.. or do you love the creative anxiety a talk brings?)
Beautiful words and beautiful pictures! WIsh I could have been there to fully enjoy it :)
beautiful words and it was a treat to be there.
I don't even know how someone could not believe in God...all we need to do is look around.
I wish I could have heard your talk. I bet is was full of wonderful things.
We had no church's so white outside I can't see any of God's creations! But snow is good for us. :)
That is beautiful! I hope you felt it was alright to use part of my Lovely List for your talk. Sorry I didn't get back to you, things have been crazy, and, as always, your post just oozes tranquility which is so needed. Thanks!
Beautiful. I'm sure it was a great talk.
Your poem reminds me of one of my favorite primary songs, I think it's called Heavenly Father loves me. I think it's so apparent that a loving Father in Heaven created this beautiful earth for us to enjoy, and that even the rocks attest to the reality of God
I am always impressed with your pictures and your poems and today was no exception. I hope you are adding these lovely little poems to your online collection. They stand alone without the pictures, but of course they are enhansed by such gorgeous photos.
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