Though blessings come and blessings go,

there's one thing you can always know.

When all my life is said and done,

you'll always be my only one.

Through thick and thin, you've had my back,

supplied those virtues I might lack,

yet taken me into your heart

and made of me a sacred part

of all you are and all you do.

Your love is selfless, deep, and true.

That's why my heart will always be

your own, for all eternity.

So is that the La temple? We got married there too!
that is the most beautiful 'Valentine' poem ever. Made me cry and love your pictures. you outdid yourself
Wow! That really made me cry and I'm trying to write this through my tears.
How I do love Dave too. I remember when I first met him and the moment he walked through the door, I knew he was the one for you. I loved him too. Of course I had gone through a lot with you as you wrote to him constantly during the summers you were home. I knew how crazy in love you were with this man. You, who had never really been that interested in boys like most girls your age were. Of course you were two years younger that all your classmates, so you just didn't mature in quite the same way when it came to being a bit boy crazy. It had to hit you when you got to college, but as soon as you met Dave, you never wanted anyone else. You were a one man woman then and you are a one man woman now. I love it that you two are so right for each other. You both are blessed and so are we all to have him (and you) in our family.
First, I love the song. love.it.
And the dedication to your sweetheart is the kind of love we're all working on and towards.
It's Eternal.
I am so admiring the poetry and illustration - beautiful for Valentines day! You're hubby is a lucky guy to be the recipient of such tender sentiments. Your illustrations are just the thing - where did you find them all. Please do share . . .
That is a beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing it!
Not only do you come up with just the right words to say, you also come up with the best photos to portray.
Hey, I'm a poet...
Debbie : )
Beautiful Sue! Your husband is a lucky man - and I have to say that you're probably a lucky woman! I love what your mom had to say. How sweet!
Awwww, Sue. No one strings words together like you. What a gift you have!
Happy Valentine Day
So incredibly sweet, you are an amazing word-smith!
Love it! Aren't we blessed it's for eternity!
Love ya :)
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