Still, I haven't quite managed to catch the fall spirit, though three stout pumpkins occupy the front porch and a cinnamon carmel swirl candle burns brightly on my kitchen table. I've even got an autumn spice plug-in lighting the hallway, but I'm waiting for the real magic to appear, the one that picks me up and perks me up and makes me feel about ten different shades of alive. Maybe what I need is a long walk in that rarefied light just before sundown, kicking through the leaves and pine cones that are just beginning to line the streets of my neighborhood––or a day of baking frosted pumpkin bars, recipe courtesy of our Relief Society General Conference dinner.
It could be that a change of purse is in order...

or a host of caramel apples...
or even an apple cider donut.

A down home harvest festival just might do the trick...

or a good, old-fashioned visit to the pumpkin patch.
Or perhaps all I need to do is sit back quietly with a warm, cozy cup of my favorite, naturally free of caffeine, Good Earth Original Spicy and Sweet Herb Tea (an identical-looking version has black tea added to it, so be sure to get what you're after)...

...and wait for that old fall feeling to settle in on me.
I love fall - it's my favorite season. I got out all the Halloween decorations yesterday, and it helps that the weather is cool. There's a threat of rain, and I was forced to deal with the rip in my car's soft top, so today I get to work from home, since I have no ride! Happy Columbus Day!
Just reading this post put me into the Fall spirit!
double sigh
But I can light the candles!
And I will, by gum!
This is beautiful. I could hear you speaking even though I have no idea what you sound like.
I think you are more in the spirit of fall than you think...at the very least your muse is still around.
mmmmm, carmel apples with white choc on the outside. i loved my post on that last year. can't i just repost all of those again???;-)
I was so excited for autumn...and then we went straight to winter. This weekend the high was 38 two days in a row. Not so much fun going to the pumpkin patch when it's that cold!
Happy Columbus day to you too!
Yes, needing to take that pumpking trip, but my pumpkin friend doesn't look good - the weather and the raccoons...so we'll look out a little further. I got them the other way up the road once. And I think some donuts and caramel apples would be marvy!!
I saw your post about NieNie and I have been following her for awhile now...so inspirational. I just found your blog through a friend. I loved your recent post about the coming of Fall & find myself mourning Fall this year a bit. It is 1 of my FAVORITE times of the year. I just recently had a major spinal surgery and cannot decorate, participate, do much with my little girls as far as crafts or anything else (except lying down to heal). I read your passage & I so want to be able to do something with this Fall spirit I have... sigh! Thank you very much for allowing me to share in your Fall spirit. It has helped some!
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