Friday, June 5, 2009

Simple Pleasures: Good Friends Are A Good Thing

Had a lovely, lengthy lunch with a handful of friends this week, something I ought to do more often. It's far too easy to get caught up in the comings and goings of life and forget to just sit down and enjoy each other.

Not that we don't see one another at church or talk on the phone, because we do. But it's never quite the same, somehow. The chemistry of women, seated together in a relaxed setting, is pretty much without least in my experience. It seems that when specific time has been set aside...time that doesn't have to be shared with impatient children, beckoning chores, or seemingly urgent errands...women can reap the full benefits of their female friendships, replenishing oft-tapped reserves of emotional energy and well-being. Conversations go deeper, confidences are more readily shared, and compassion is more fully felt and expressed. (What's more, the comedy is out of this world!)

There have been several times in my life where I've gone beyond the "quick fix" of lunch and taken little "sisterhood" retreats with a group of close friends. These never fail to satisfy, and I am feeling the need to do that again sometime soon. I'm imagining a destination both beautiful and the sea, perhaps...near a vineyard...or surrounded by redwoods. A quiet, tranquil place. And charming, definitely charming...

with trees and rocks and cool, clear water...

and maybe...

a meadow.


Life has its simple pleasures:
the shade of a sturdy tree,
a cooling sip of water,
an old friend's company.

©2003, Susan Noyes Anderson, His Children


  1. Sounds like a hearty reprieve from the hubbub of the daily grind

  2. I spent the afternoon with some friends at the pool today. I haven't done something with these girls for months and months. It was so nice to hang out and I feel rejuvinated...even if I do hate putting on a swim suit. It at least made that bearable!

  3. which is exactly why I'm starting a once a month craft class (get together) with some neighbors and gal's from Church. We need more "down/social time"

  4. Glad you had a good time with your friends! Wish I could have been there!

  5. I feel more relaxed just reading that post! Thanks for sharing your experiences with us...I always leave your blog with something to think about. But, it never feels overwhelming because the things you make me think about will be for my good. (Hope that makes sense, but it probably doesn't)

  6. Sounds like a little bit of Heaven.

  7. Enjoyed this post and your Oprah post..

    Stoppin' by to say "hi" and welcome to SITS. I know that you will enjoy being a part of this vibrant community of bloggers!
    carma :-)

  8. That sounds so good. I used to have a group of friends who would have girls outings about once a month. This was when our children were small and we needed a break! Sadly, we've all moved away, and moved on. I miss those special times and the laughing. The laughing is what I miss the most.

  9. That's the idea, Marsha...That's the idea! =)
