I'm not exaggerating when I say that my youngest son, Todd, is totally terrific. It would also not be far off the mark to say that he has, at various times in his life, been totally terrifying. Have you ever heard of those Type T personalities (so identified by Dr. Frank Farley of Temple University), who scare their parents within an inch of their lives on a regular basis? I think the Toddster just might qualify. What I mean to say is that being careful has never been his stock-in-trade. For instance, the first time he ever went skiing, he insisted on flying down a black diamond slope. I think you get the idea...

Happily, with age and maturity has come the ability and inclination to channel this adrenaline-seeking energy into more positive things. (Type T personalities often become explorers, inventors and the like.) This really fits, because Todd is starting a summer research job for the University of Arizona's Oncology Department even as we speak. In fact, he will likely get his name published in a medical journal for the work he's doing. Pretty cool, and that is just the tip of the iceberg of what Todd is up to these days. Having finally figured out what he wants to pursue (the ever-challenging and grueling but oh so prospective-mother-in-law-pleasing MD), he is hurtling through his undergrad studies at warp speed and preparing to apply to medical school in March of next year. This preparation includes classes with names I can't even pronounce, let alone spell (okay, that's an exaggeration because I can actually pronounce and spell pretty much anything), along with a few extracurricular activities such as volunteering in the emergency room, being preceptor for a Physiology professor, and serving as a research assistant for the Oncology Department. He's even getting paid a stipend, which impresses lab-challenged people like me. He's also maintaining a 4.0 at the U of A, not that I'm bragging or anything. (All right, maybe I AM bragging, but who wouldn't? This guy is doing some pretty incredible things.)
Here are a few of the other pretty incredible things about Todd:
1. pretty incredible good looks (he might argue this one)
2. pretty incredible luck with the ladies (proving me right re. #1)
3. pretty incredible athletic abilities (basketball topping his list)
4. pretty incredible brain power (magical mystery memory)
5. pretty incredible debater (even gives me a run for my money)
6. pretty incredible sensitivity/perception (when he goes there)
7. pretty incredible humor (always funny...not always appropriate)
8. pretty incredible zest for eating (loves his food, a family trait)
9. pretty incredible drive (or lack of same, depending upon interest)
10. pretty incredible people skills (he can feel ya)
11. pretty incredible crisis composure (fish hook story...don't ask!)
12. pretty incredible ability to forego sleep (quite handy in an intern)
Also incredible is the fact that I could make this list very much longer. However, I will refrain, because we wouldn't want Todd to become incredibly big-headed.
Oops. Too late.
(just kidding)
sort of
Love you, Todd. You are a wonderful son, and we're lucky you came our way. As a child, you were such good company your mom (lovely woman) couldn't bear to send you to pre-school, and that quality hasn't changed. Hope your birthday treats you as well as you deserve, and we can't wait to see you this weekend!

P.S. Keep your eyes open for two deliveries to your door today. And you might want to take a look in your checking account, too! =)
What a sweet tribute to your boy.
It's always so rewarding to see your kids grow up into responsible loving adults! Ya done good Mom!
Mother-in-law pleasing? What about mother pleasing? This gives me hope that my own crazy T will mature into the man I know he can be. But at seventeen, that seems a ferr piece away!
Todd must be crazy about his mom - what a cute relationship you have! I have one of those T personality kids myself - my youngest son. It's hard to believe one person can be so sensitive and so hair raising all at the same time.
You must be so proud! I hope my kids turn out so great. What's your secret? Do tell.
I wish I could claim credit, Fiauna. I think I just got a good batch...
HOORAY, that's what I think everytime it's the birthday of one of your family members! I love your tributes. They never disappoint.
Happy Birthday to your boy. He sounds pretty amazing...just like his mom! ;)
Happy Birthday, Todd. We think you are pretty awesome here, too.
Happy Bday TODD like the tribute.... but next time send me the photo and I can photoshop out the tree growing out of his head HEHE
But Heather...That's the tree of knowledge!
Okay is it a bad sign that I am crying, you are so sweet! There really is something special about the relationship that mothers have with their sons huh? Any advice on how I can raise a boy to be as sweet as Todd? :) Thanks for sharing that special day with us
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