I'll be turning 57 years old at the end of this month, and my mom still worries about me. I guess good mothers always do worry, no matter what their children's ages. It's seems to be part of the job description.
Of course, worrying is only one of the things my mother does to show her love. Unfortunately, I've already written most of them in my birthday post about her.
That's why I'm falling back on a Mother's Day poem, written in honor of my own mother, who has been an incredible giver of gifts in my life. Thanks, Mom.
And thanks to all you other moms, too.

A Mother's Gifts
©2009 Susan Noyes Anderson
The world begins in Mother's warm embrace,
where hunger's cry invokes a milky feast,
a gift of self and sustenance, released
by instincts time and years cannot erase.
Later, the offering changes, yet the grace
of substance freely given has not ceased.
The flow of mother love has but increased,
streaming in joyful lines o'er brow and face.
To hold another's welfare in your heart,
to share your light so someone else might shine,
to draw near when all others stand apart,
to speak in terms of thee and thou, not mine:
These are the sacred tracings of Christ's art,
the curves and swirls of motherhood's design.

Beautiful! Happy Mother's Day Sue!
Happy Mothers Day to you, you are where a Good Mother should be, helping out your kids! Thank you for sharing your written talents. I always enjoy reading your posts and pondering...
Happy Mother's Day mom. Your poem expressed my feelings exactly.
You are such a great mom. I think I would even choose to be your friend I were born to another. But alas, I was fortunate enough to get my "milky feast" from you. Thanks for the "flow of mother love" that you have shown this week, and in may weeks past. You are a great support to me and my family. I love you.
Happy Mother's Day, Sue! You are the best, and I am lucky to have learned so much from your example of mothering. I love you!
Happy Mother's Day Sue! I always enjoy reading your beautiful posts! Hope your day was wonderful!
Great blog Sue! You're fantastic AND a wonderful poet! I really enjoyed it...keep it up.
You are so blessed to still have your mom with you. I read her birthday post and she sounds so much like my mom. She also lived 5 minutes from my house and was always there for me, whatever I needed when my sons were small. I think I'm really going to enjoy your blog!
Your words are so tender. I loved this post.
Happy Mother's Day!
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