Here's the deal. It's walking. That's right. Plain old walking...as in putting one foot in front of the other and moving your body down the street. Granted, it has to be at a brisk pace, but the previously unknown (by me) benefits are amazing!
How did I find out about these benefits? Ah, good question. From the AARP magazine, of course. Apparently they are experts on keeping us old folks ticking even after we take a big licking from all sorts of age-related maladies.
The thing is...the article applies to other-than-old people, too. In fact, if you start all this while you are young, you may never even grow old! (That doesn't sound quite desirable, does it?) Maybe I need to rephrase that statement, minus the threat of an early death. heehee
At any rate, the point is...walking does wonders for your health, no matter what your age. Those who walk briskly for half an hour each day increase their aerobic capacity by 19% and their physical function by 25%. They decrease their risk of disability by 41%.
But that's not all. They lower their risk of heart disease by 32%, stroke by 33%, Altzheimers by 40%, arthritis by 46%, and diabetes by a whopping 71%! They reduce their risk of breast cancer by 18% and colon cancer by 31%. They also increase their cancer survival rate by 33%.
Each half-hour walk burns 150 calories, which amounts to a loss of 1.3 pounds monthly and 15.6 pounds per year, without even dieting. This kind of activity also keeps osteoporosis at bay.
What's more, if you suffer from depression, walking will result in a 47% reduction in your symptoms.
All it takes is one 30-minute walk each day. And guess what? I'm going to be taking one. And that's a done deal.
Classic Walking
©1994 by Susan Noyes Anderson, Mobius
My body is electric when
I'm walking to Vivaldi;
I shed years and pounds in minutes
moving to Rossini's beat.
Every step inspires new feeling;
I am on my way to healing,
floating on a starry ceiling
when Ludwig directs my feet.
I go marching with Franz Schubert;
Haydn is my soul's delight.
With Tchaikovsky I'm in heaven,
I could stroll with him all night.
When I trip the light fantastic
with Wolfgang, it's orgiastic.
Walks with Bach are more scholastic,
for the subtle appetite.
I'm a mover and a shaker,
overcome with joie de vie.
Gliding down the street with Brahms
is sheer symphonic ecstasy.
What an unexpected treasure!
I could not begin to measure
the unmitigated pleasure
"classic" walking brings to me.
LOVE IT...thanks for sharing! :)
you make me want to go on a walk-- even in all my snow!
i wished we lived closer to go together!!!
I most definitely have you and Emily to thank for putting exercise to the front of my brain. I need all the inspiration I can get, that's for sure!
Okay, now this is too funny...NO LIE, my word for the word verification thingie is "gaggin"...that's what I start doing everytime I have to think about working out! :)
yay, so glad you're in for the book club!
WALKING!!! one reason I am so so so excited to be in Cali come April. So I can go walking again. Its been in the low teens for the last couple weeks, needless to say walking has been out of the question. The Gym is fine, but walking outside sure does brighten my day. Take a few deep fresh breaths of that California air for me on your next walk
I don't know how I missed this post the other day. I'm glad you linked back to it.
I walk almost everyday. I didn't even know all those benefits. I sometimes get discouraged because I don't think it's benefiting me at all.
And my music motivation while I walk?....80's on Pandora!
And while you're walking, look around you and see all the amazing things that God has created for us to enjoy. If that doesn't lift your spirits, well.... ;)
I used to walk daily without fail..yes I felt much better! Then we moved to the country...narrow roads, no sidewalks. I walk around my yard and woods, but it's not the same. I miss it and now I'm with you on motivating myself to get back at it!
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