Good old Granny Sue of Sue's News, Views 'n Muse is hereby announcing her 100th-post-anniversary giveaway! You happen to be reading the 97th post, so...needless to say...the big day is almost here.
What will the old gal be giving away, you might ask?...
And she will gladly answer: A POEM!
(She might even tell you about it in first person singular.)
::::::officially dropping the royal "we"::::::
Yep, it's true. I will be giving away a custom poem to whoever hooks me up with the best song that I've never heard before. The one caveat is that I have to be able to purchase the song on iTunes, because I'm lookin' to beef up/refresh my playlists.
In return for calling the winning song to my attention, your custom poem prize will be created, for whatever occasion you request, by little old me. All you will need to do is send me the details about the person or couple you are honoring, and I will turn their information into a poem the likes of which you have never seen! (I will make it funny, sentimental, or a combination of both, according to your wishes.) In short, I will deliver the goods and make that special occasion even a little more special than it already is.
And all this for just one *heads up* on a good song!
You can put your musical suggestion(s) in the comments of this or any post up to and including my 100th. Don't worry; I'll be numbering 'em till then.
Sooooo, the contest starts today and ends at 11:59 PM on the day of my 100th post. (I will announce the winner in the 101st.)
Happy song-searching!
PS. Huh? What's that you say? You want to give a blogiversary gift to me?? And you're wondering what I'd like most??? Well, since you're kind enough to ask, I like three things:
(1) visitors
(2) comments
(3) visitors and comments
PPS. Wanna sample the goods? You can check out my rhymin' skillz here.
haha, you are so cute, can't wait, i'm searching my itunes now for the puuuuuuuuurfect song;-)
Sue - thanks for the comment on my blog. My song suggestion is David Archuletta "Think Of Me," from American Idol/Phantom of the Opera. Or, "You're Gonna Miss This." by Trace Adkins. Those have been some of my favorite songs lately. Happy Anniversary!
Ohhhh, this is so fun!! I am now on the hunt for your song. :)
Okay... I love this song... Its by Brooke Fraser called Shadowfeet. I heard about her about 5 years ago when my friend was on her honeymoon in New Zealand and she was playing in one of the city parks. I have followed her ever since, she has a awesome sound and the words to this song are wonderful. Happy Anniversary, and I want a poem from you SOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!!! OH to have a poem by the amazing Sue!
I cannot believe you have done 100 post already, WOW!
Ok so we have a lot of the same music and this is an older song so you may have it... but I LOVE it so I wanted to share it...
Five for Fighting
Not an easy assignment Ms.Sue, but it was fun! :)
Here is my nomination:
"Shine" by Rosi Golan
Sorry, but I just can't help myself...
"Hazy" or "Been a Long Day", also by Rosi Golan.
All can be found on iTunes, and if you want to read lyrics, here is a link:
Sorry, me again.
Use that same link if you would like to hear the complete song, rather than just the tidbit from iTunes. :)
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