Friday, September 22, 2017

Secrets of the Sea

©2017 Susan Noyes Anderson

When my own tides are at low ebb,
I stand beside the sea.
Bright waves of truth I used to know
come washing over me.

The sand dampens beneath my feet,
connecting me to ground.
A sacred message to my soul
rises in every sound.

Its rhythm whispers ancient tales,
soft secrets of the deep, 
reflections of the promises
my spirit longs to keep.

And I embrace the mystery:
the pulses of the earth,
the highs, the lows, the ebbs and flows,
the watery rebirth.

Peace lands so gently on my shoulder,
lifts me on its wings.
My freed heart opens to the sea
and every gift it brings.

for more poems, click below


  1. Sue, Your poem has a rhythm that matches the sea so perfectly!

  2. Lovely, the abcb rhyme schemes remind us of the waves themselves. Yup, there is something centering about being near the sea. Perhaps it is where life, as we know it, began---an d our soul recognizes it.

  3. The thought reminds me of So Much Magnificence by Miten and Deva Premal.

  4. That really does run well, Sue. And of course, the message is divine

  5. Your poem reminds me of my own nighttime sea gazing along the English coast years ago. Your lyrics are the push and pull of the tide's healing

  6. Such a lovely poem my dear friend. The sea is the perfect analogy for lifes ebbs and flows. Loved the last stanza of peace coming. There are certain places that we can visit that bring the peace sought for. Thanks again for sharing your magnificent talent.
    Sending love and hugs your way!

  7. This was a breath of fresh air. It's almost as if written for the same character in Threads of Life. Love it

  8. The sea has something that compels and draws humans in, as does this poem 😊

  9. This is a secret to the soul, sue. Love it!

  10. Embracing the mystery is always a good idea. (K)

  11. The rhythm of the sea put to words ... just wonderful

  12. A sea of enchantment brought to life through your words.

  13. Peaceful rhythm ~ This is my favorite part:

    And I embrace the mystery:
    the pulses of the earth,
    the highs, the lows, the ebbs and flows,
    the watery rebirth.

  14. Each time I read poems about the ocean or sea, I really study I lived a bit closer to one. Beautiful poem.

  15. I really love the last verse where peace lands on your shoulder. The sea moves us in so many ways...beautifully written.

  16. We live pretty far from any sea but your poem brings back all the lovely memories and feelings I have when I stand near the ocean. I can almost smell the salt air! Thanks Sue!

  17. "Peace lands so gently on my shoulder" That line wrapped itself right around me..
    thanks, Sue!

  18. This poem has a rhythm all its own. I feel peace and nurturing as I read it.

  19. Well done rhyming, like a fine song. Not easy to do. I enjoyed it very much.

  20. Just beautiful. That is the way it is every morning as I walk by the ocean.

  21. "Bright waves of truth I used to know--Cool. Good writing.
