Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Mountains Are Calling

These beautiful works of art by Rachel Pettit are warming my heart this week. 
In fact, I sat down and wrote a poem about them! 

"Autumn's Harmony" by Rachel Pettit

The Mountains Are Calling
©2016 Susan Noyes Anderson

Take me to the mountain crest
along a winding trail.
Let the sweet air fill my chest;
lift me like a sail.

Spread the sky before my eyes.
Anoint my soul with trees.
Invoke the splendor of each rise;
impel me to my knees.

Garnish me in autumn leaves;
grind me to rough-hewn stone.
Brush all the earth in golds and greens;
dust me in grit and bone.

Infuse my veins with rich, brown earth
and point me at the sun.
The clouds will be my lofty berth
before the day is done.

"The mountains are calling, and I must go."
John Muir

"Wasatch Beauty" by Rachel Pettit

I first met EG CameraGirl through AlphabeThursday, one of Jenny Matlock's delightful memes, and we have been commenting back and forth for years. I just learned that this wonderful friend and photographer was killed in a tragic car accident last week, and I wanted to remember her on Warm Heart Wednesday because her friendship and photos warmed my heart every time I visited. My sincere condolences go out to Tina's family, and I hope they know how deeply she will be missed by the many bloggers whose lives she touched on a regular basis. 

for more poems, click below

More Warm Heart Wednesday posts? Click below.


  1. This could be my epitaph. Not yours, is it? Teasing.

    You illustrate God's gift with your words.

  2. Oh yes 'lift me like a sail'......exquisite.

  3. Ah, your words and the pictures bring back memories. I need to go for a hike.

    Thanks for stopping by my place. The music competition is here:

    My piece is here:

    One purpose of the competition is to get some feedback before entering the Church competition. Unfortunately, my son, who's more likely to become a serious composer than I am, hasn't received any comments yet. He'd appreciate a few words, if you have a moment:

    Thanks! I'd love to hear your song, too!

  4. Very pretty poem. I love the mountains.

  5. Nice 'mountain' poem, Sue. I hope it won't be a self-fulfilled prophecy about you and the last verse. Too many bloggers have died lately already.

    At first I thought Colorado, still can be. Rachel Pettit's composition reminds me of Van Gogh, rows of trees with the mountains in the background. Except his are olive trees, these look more like European cypress trees. Anyway I like it.

    If I were to buy one, I would like to know what was her setting. (Van Gogh's was in the St. Remy area, where the sanitarium was that he stayed in for almost a year--self admitted after he cut his ear off.) We stayed there for a week, you could search my blog for a little of it.

    1. Haha. Strictly talking about altitude, Jim. This is for my son, who loves high altitude hiking...way up there in the clouds. ;)

  6. Wow! Beautiful art work. I am always in awe of such incredible talent. when our kids were small they loved watching Bob Ross on PBS. He was some kind of talent.
    I imagine you have heard of the passing of Smiling Sally (DiStefano) from Blue Monday. It is going to be sad without her. She was a unique individual, a caring and kind soul, probably talking Our Lord into spread some blue paint around heaven tonight.
    Take care Sue and enjoy the week. I appreciate your friendship here. xo

  7. Exquisite poem that fills the soul of lifeforce !!

  8. Lovely poem ~ very well penned ~ you have a gift!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  9. You touch my soul, Sue, as I knew you would. And to Tina, "sail on, silver girl!"

  10. Very nice poem. I live where it's pretty flat and I miss seeing mountains.

  11. I'm missing my mountains right now as well. Life has gotten in my way too much lately--need to escape up north for a few days.

  12. Love! Like someone else said, this makes me want to go for a hike. The weather's perfect for it here.

  13. Very nice poem ! I also heard of the tragic accident, she had left a comment on my blog and I wanted to answer and she was not there anymore. I was really shocked !

  14. Beautiful poem and I am sorry for your loss of a friend. The internet has made the world more reachable and I am amazed at how we can be all connected in some way as a result.

    visiting from warm heart wednesday.

  15. You wrote a beautiful poem, Sue, for EG Camera. Big, warm hugs to you.

  16. It is truly a horrible loss. I do miss her beautiful photography. Lovely poem and images.

  17. Your poem is so beautiful and makes me want to go to a mountain and truly thank Heavenly Father for his gifts of nature. I didn't know EG Camera but went to her blog from another blogger who mentioned her. She was a wonderful photographer and how sad for her family and friends. It's a small blogging world and very remarkable how close we can become with others without even having met them in person.

  18. What a shock about your friend. That must have taken your breath away when you learned. I am so sorry Sue.

  19. I am sorry to hear about your friend. How lucky that you were able to find out what happened to her.
    I love your poem, as always. You are really talented.

  20. Oh no! Tina! Tina! I remember so much of her writing and commenting back and forth with her. Is there some place where we can leave condolences for her family, Sue?

    I loved your poem and it felt especially poignant after I read the message about our feisty little Tina.

    Thanks for warming my heart for week 16.

    And for letting us know of Tina's accident.

    Again, if we can post condolences or mail a card I would very much like to.


  21. Each stanza is a lovely ode to nature Sue. This can be an epitaph for me too. Thanks for sharing.

  22. Wonderfully descriptive and inviting, much enjoyed :)

  23. Infuse my veins with rich, brown earth
    and point me at the sun.
    The clouds will be my lofty berth
    before the day is done.

    Beautiful lines...!!!

  24. Beautiful words and a wonderful epitaph.
    Anna :o]

  25. I love the love of nature! My condolences about your friend.

  26. The connection between poem and painting is seamless, Sue! You've expressed it perfectly.

  27. A beautiful write! I enjoyed it so much!

  28. Gorgeous poem. My deepest sympathy on your friend.
