Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year Glee

I always get a warm, fuzzy feeling at the beginning of a New Year, don't you?

©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Oh, how I love a fledgling year,
wiped free of gloom and haze,
where all the calendar is clear
to mark in sunny days.

With endless opportunities
flung open to my view,
my spirits rise upon a breeze
of all things fresh and new.

My mind flies high into the sky,
goes dancing 'round the sun.
As light as crisp, clean air am I,
afloat on dreams unspun.

Eventually, I fall to earth,
prepared to work the ground.
Rich, fertile soil is where the birth
of sweet success is found.

So Carpe annum!Seize the year!
Find brand new ways to see.
The secret key to New Year glee
is possibility.

for more warm hearts, click below


  1. Hi Sue ~~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
    This is a nice poem, nice in spirit and the way New Year's Day should be approached.
    I like the rhyme and the meter, very nice, GOOD JOB !!!
    For our family New Year's Day is extra special because it is also Mrs. Jim's Birthday !!!

  2. Truth beautifully said. Now if I could feel that...

  3. So nice! The new year does present so many possibilities! Happy 2016!

  4. Beautiful Xmas and New Years post and photos and such beautiful poetry!

    Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year

  5. Yes, I do like a new beginning and every January the slate is clean and I'm hopeful for the things ahead. Fall season also does that for me for some reason. I'm not seeing a lot of sunny days here in the gray season of Ohio, but it's been fairly mild and no snow as of late, so I guess that's good! I hope it's a wonderful new year for you and your family and I love that poem...thanks for the sunshine you always give to me! Happy New Year!

  6. That was so well written and very enjoyable. Happy New Year!

  7. Yes, every new year is so full of promise! I wish you a wonderful 2016...and keep on writing your wonderful poetry!

  8. What a great poem as always. Happy New Year to you.

  9. Very nice poem ! All the best for a happy New Year !

  10. Your poem inspires and cheers me forward, Sue. Possibilities all year round. Totally.

  11. Sue, thanks for your nice comment on my last post. I have to tell you that your offering this week will end up on my fridge, right next to the photo I used on my own post for this week. You always seem to know just what to write!!!

  12. What a fantastic New Years Poem! I loved it; you are amazing. This does belong in a book along with all of your others. You have a marvelous talent and I am so happy that you willing share it with us. Blessings and hugs!!

  13. "Find brand new ways to see" is my favorite line. Makes me feel like we can do this!

  14. How pretty...! Wonderful way to start the year!

  15. Carpe Annum.



    Love this.

    I really truly needed to read this today.

    I'm going to print this out on card stock and hang it right by my computer.

    You are incredibly talented.

    Blessings and

