Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Crybaby

The Crybaby
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

Oh how loudly, oh how clearly
we can hear you blow your top.
Baby boy, we love you dearly,
but the screaming has to stop!

If you're going to wake up grouchy,
maybe you should stay asleep.
Your shrieks make our ears feel ouchy.
Can't you pitch them low and deep?

Must you be so doggone noisy?
Please oh please give it a rest.
Try to be a bit more joysy
when we pluck you from your nest.

You depend on us completely,
so you'd better treat us right.
If you must cry, do it sweetly,
or we may go out on strike!


Can you believe I'm writing about the happy little guy on the right?
I think it's safe to say that he wears his emotions on his sleeve, glad or sad.
(Of course, he and his little sister also happen to be the cutest babies ever!)

I'm sure you agree. =)


  1. Absolutely adorable!

    Just give it time, soon they will be talking your leg off!

  2. They are growing so! SO adorable. Babies are THE BEST part of life....and twins, doubly so.

  3. Oh, my gosh; these two are adorable. I loved your poetry on this one. This sweet boy will one day appreciate this lovely piece of poetry when he has a little one.
    Hugs for this one!

  4. You are a light and a delight.....thank you!!

  5. I do agree! They are adorable! My hubby says that God had to make them cute so we can stand them when they scream! My biggest crier turned out to be the sweetest and nicest as he grew don't give up hope! Loved your little poem too!

  6. Sweet photos! I bet he'll get a kick out of this poem one day when he's much, much older. ;)
