Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Keep Fighting Black

Keep Fighting Black
©2015 Susan Noyes Anderson

When trouble steals the blood that flows
beneath my rosy cheek––
when ashes gather round my eyes
and lips refuse to speak––
I let the sorrow carry me
on silvered wings––so high
that even in the darkness
I return as butterfly.


Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all the darkness.
–Desmond Tutu

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  1. Very creative poetry and lovely photo ~

    Happy Day to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  2. Simple but thought provoking shall have to ponder on this for a while.

  3. Your words read as sweetly as the song that plays behind it. Lovely!

  4. Beautifully written, Sue. But I know you write from your heart so I am teary eyed and feeling your pain. I pray that all will even out for you and that the light will shine again and you can feel more like a butterfly.

  5. Exquisite, I love your positivity!

  6. Passing through the sorrow isn't easy and I do hope if you're going through a difficult period that all will be well with you. Simple words that pack a punch...

  7. I absolutely love this poem. Awesome.

  8. Sue,

    I think we did indeed share a vision or two. I really enjoyed the flow of your words. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  9. Beautiful! This is a wonderful message.

  10. Another lovely poem with a deeper meaning for me this time.
    I love the positive ending. I loved the picture and the butterfly. I love to watch butterflies.
    Blessings for you dear friend!

  11. Thank you very much, it is a pleasure to visit your blog! I wish you a good day.

  12. Is this poem coming from your own heart Sue? Sometimes life can be so so hard, and you say it so well. Are you okay?

  13. our darkest moments are often used to shape that we do come out flying on the other side...

  14. Beautiful poem and image. I like the image of sorrow turning into a butterfly. It does not make the butterfly sad, just wiser.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  15. " when ashes gather round my eyes and lips refuse to speak"

    Sounds bad, wonderfully written sorrow exhibition.
    Thanks for peeking in on my travels. I do some poetry (other blog) but never for the Magpies.

  16. The imagery of sadness with words like ash makes the return as a butterfly either immensely sad or uplifting,

  17. A lovely little poem, even if there’s melancholia behind it. I hope you are feeling happy in spite of your words.

  18. It's always lovely to read your words.
