Saturday, August 30, 2014

Oy vey

Oy Vey
c2014 Susan Noyes Anderson

Oh no. Dear me. I'm out of sorts,
sick of the smoldering temp reports.
Each visit to my mom is sweet,
but still I cannot bear the heat.
111 in the shade,
the stuff of which Hades is made.
No soft wind ruffling my hair.
No desert breezes in the air.
In fact, no air to breathe at all.
It's gone till further notice, y'all.
Evaporated, so they say,
till further notice. Oy vey.

for more O posts, click below


  1. This sure made my morning! We just came back late last night from a trip to South Dakota, where it was really quite cool, evening rains and yesterday, knock you down winds! Once we arrived to Minnesota, pouring and some flooding rains. Yucky driving of course, and then can you believe leaves to rake off my deck! YIkeS! So not cool!

  2. ack not sure the not breathing is good for you....we have had some rather hot evenings...odd weather...nice and cool rather fall day here so maybe you need to come visit to get some oxygen...smiles..

  3. It has been just so wicked humid here on the Georgia coast!! I don't want to wish my life away, but I can hardly wait for some cooler, drier weather! Of course, I LOVE YOUR POEM!!

  4. The weather patterns have been awful this year. Too hot, too much rain, not enough and now I hear the winter will be a bear! Drat! LOve your writings though. Always brings a smile to me! Enjoy your weekend and take care. Hugs, Anne

  5. We've had a very wet and cool summer here. I wish I could send some your way! The other morning it was 64de in the house (very cool night and I forgot to close the windows!) but today it was almost 90de and humid. Rain is coming again and that will drop us back to cooler temps. It's how we roll here in Ohio!

  6. OUCH! 110° sounds truly OFFEL (awful).

    Sorry you've had to endure the heat but because of it you've written such a delightful poem. :)

  7. Fun poem to the 'heat' ~ Share your sentiments today ~ It is hot here for MA ~
    Happy Labor Day ~ Stay cool?

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  8. Wonderful poem. Yes, in Spain we currently have a heat wave Saharan !!

  9. So are you back visiting your Mom this week? I think any of us (like myself) who know your sweet Mom, would love an update on your blog about her.

    I have a friend who says Oy Vey several times everyday. I love it.

  10. :) yep, that is a California summer alright! You captured it perfectly. I hope you get some lovely breezes soon, and a good hard rainfall or two!

  11. Oh dear Sue this one is awesome. I think I can relate to this after living in Las Vegas for 7 years.
    I do hope your sweet Mom and her sweetheart are doing better.
    Hope you can cool down soon.
    Blessings for you all!
