Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Classic Walking

©Susan Noyes Anderson

My body is electric when
I'm walking to Vivaldi;
I shed years and pounds in minutes
moving to Rossini's beat.
Every step inspires new feeling;
I am on my way to healing,
floating on a starry ceiling
when Ludwig directs my feet.

I go marching with Franz Schubert;
Haydn is my soul's delight.
With Tchaikovsky I'm in heaven;
I could stroll with him all night.
When I trip the light fantastic
with Wolfgang, it's orgiastic.
Walks with Bach are more scholastic,
for the subtle appetite.

I'm a mover and a shaker,
overcome with joie de vivre.
Gliding up the steps with Brahms
is sheer, symphonic ecstasy.
What an unexpected treasure!
I could not begin to measure
the unmitigated pleasure
classic walking brings to me.

for more magpies, click below


  1. i was so hearing that song from the 80's...'oh what a feeling...dancing on the ceiling'...walking vivaldi is a cool phrase.....

  2. Thanks for the lovely stroll through the classics...

  3. I love it!
    Your mind is so full of good ideas, Sue.
    I'd like to walk, classically, with you!

  4. Loved the reference to the classical composers. More I could not Handel...

  5. You are amazing, Sue! If only my mind worked have as well as yours!

  6. I've played the classics forever - my kids grew up on them. Nothing helps me more to conjure up creativity, as well as calm. They make my heart want to cry and dance, both at the same time. Of course, Lady Gaga sometimes has the same effect on me...

  7. I loved walking to music...I used to do about 4mi a day when we lived in town. I'm nursing my stupid knee and my goal is to get it fixed so I can again just take a nice long walk! I miss it!

  8. Oh this will be on my favorite list. I love classical music and lots of other kinds too. I do play the piano, not well but I do enjoy playing. I like to play classical pieces.
    I love to dance and always enjoyed aerobic exercises but now I am getting too old for that one.
    Loved this one and blessings to you!

  9. Brilliant.
    And you know your composers too.

    Your piece of accompanying music was well chosen too.
    Ludwig’s ‘Ode to Joy’ combines music and poetry.

    Well done, Sue.

  10. Really,an unexpected treasure, Sue. Thank you.

  11. This may be my favorite piece yet. What a wonderful thought, to go on a walk with the great masters! Simply lovely!

  12. Gobsmacked I am! Sue - it's another successful post. You sure make our Magpie Tales prompt pictures proud!

  13. Gday Sue, i was stunned by how much feeling, vibrant energy flourished through your words, this one really got your mojo going i reckon ...thanks
