Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Life is Pure Magic

I'm pretty sure this is the longest I've gone without blogging since I began hanging out at Sue's News, Views 'n Muse back in 2008. The Christmas blur kind of overtook me, and now here we are at New Year's Eve, with 2014 staring us in the face. And you know what? I kinda like the look of it!

I am more than ready for a new year, because I have big plans, groundbreaking (for me) ideas, and lots of cool things I want to do. First and foremost, I am going to lose some serious weight, and I'm putting it out here for all to see because I mean what I say. My sister lost every single extra pound she was carrying around last year; and I have decided if she can do it, I can do it. And I intend to do whatever it takes to get there, including exercise. Yes my friends, I mean business!

I am also going to update and optimize my poetry website in 2014. I may even give it an entirely new look, though I am pretty attached to the old one so that remains to be seen. Mainly, I want to make sure that the site is everything a search engine would like it to be. Susan Noyes Anderson Poems does get fairly good traffic, but I have a feeling my lack of knowledge has been holding it back from being the kind of resource I want to provide. It makes me happy to see my poems used non-commercially, and I'd like to see even more of that happening this year.

Another thing I look forward to is actually putting together and submitting the Christmas book I keep putting off for one reason or another. Over the years, I have written a sizable collection of Christmas stories, poems and songs, and the time has come to put it all together and see where it goes. I need a creatively challenging project, and this fits the bill perfectly.

I also want to be more conscious of increasing my spirituality and not just expecting that to take care of itself, because I find that it doesn't! As busy as I'm going to be, I will need to set aside specific time for prayer, scripture study, and quiet contemplation. It's time to stop phoning it in, and I know the benefits because I have reaped them in years past. I want to make being in tune a priority in 2014.

Let me close by saying that I don't consider these things to be goals, because they are more than that for me. They are plans, firmly set, and I am going to execute them. Why? Because I want to! I'm even excited about the process.

So wish me well, my friends….just as I wish you well in the year to come. 2014 has a good feel to it, and I am going to do everything within my power to keep it that way!


{make it magical}


  1. WooHoo Sue! I'm right there with you and I know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to! I have a few action plans myself and I'm looking forward to 2014 also. Happy New Year!

  2. Way to go! Make a plan and carry through. I have trouble with that for myself.

    Happy New Year!

  3. All the best to you and yours in 2014!

    I keep hearing/reading things on making a blog search-engine friendly and I don't even know what that is!

    I still need to solidify my goals...so many!

  4. I am excited about 2014 as well. I have so many hobbies and so much I want to do. You have inspired me all the more!

  5. I love your new year plans, and they sound like they're set in stone! I admire that you've put so much thought and planning into it - I need to do the same. I have some vague wishes and desires, but I need to do some more thinking and come up with a plan to make them a reality. Happy New Year to you and Dave - here's to us both achieving our goals, expanding our knowledge, and conquering our fears. Love to you!

  6. All the best to you Sue. Happy New Year.

  7. I miss you! Can you add "blog more" to your plans?

    And my suggestion on the weight thing--take a photo and measurements. You'll be surprised what can happen.

  8. LOVE the
    Life is Pure Magic pic. It would be a good pic for your Christmas book. Put me on the buyers list! Many of your goals, I share. Good luck to us.
    Please tell you mother hello and I miss her. Happy New Years to Darlene and Dick as well as you and your hubby, Sue!!

  9. Sounds like you have a pretty good grasp on the new year and plans ahead. You'll master all that you do I just know it. Enjoy your day and the new year ahead too!

  10. Sue, I love every item of your plan. I am very excited by the thought of a Christmas book by you. I love your poetry and love your site. I think everyone should find your works.
    I too have a plan in place to get my health and my husband's where it should be.
    Regretfully, I am not ready today with my plans. Here it is 2014 and I am not ready for the new year.
    Blessings, love and hugs for the New Year.

  11. Wishing you all good things in 2014 and much joy in incorporating all of your goals into your daily routines.

  12. been putting off putting together a christmas picture book with a story my friend wrote for Christmas eve service two Christmases ago. Was going to print it before last Christmas...was going to print it before this Christmas. Maybe over the summer, I could get fired up this year??

  13. ooops hit the wrong button. Thanks for the great writing and the inspiration for all of us. Keep making me smile...

  14. sounds like you have a good plan going into the new year....smiles...intentionality is a good thing as well...i am doing the teaching at church tomorrow and speaking on that a bit...

    happy new year sue!

  15. Lots of great goals/plans Sue. I look forward to supporting you.

  16. I would buy a Christmas book written by you! Those are some worthwhile plans. Good luck to you!

  17. Oh yes, I meant to tell you that there's a good website written by Emily Freeman that is good for increasing your spirituality and insight. www.dailyclosertochrist.com
    Ok, have a good night.
