Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Promised Land

©2013 Susan Noyes Anderson

The woman stood, endured, grew strong.
Propelled by faith, she trudged along
the snowy trail, the dusty plain,
the rocky passes, slick with rain.

Another life she left behind
in search of peace she hoped to find,
exchanging treasures of the past
for precious freedoms meant to last.

She bought those freedoms at a price,
a pathway fraught with sacrifice.
Family heirlooms, sold or lost,
portended a more grievous cost.

This unforgiving trek laid claim
to health and strength; in Father's name
she prayed for babies born too small,
enshrouded in a threadbare shawl.

Their graves she marked with memory,
no headstone for the world to see,
no time for mourning dear ones gone,
just pushing, pushing, on and on.

Her dress was washed in blood and tears,
but pressing forward through the fears,
she walked to Zion, made her stand,
and gave birth to the promised land.

JULY 24th


  1. I'm glad it wasn't me. But I'm glad my great-great-great grandmothers stepped up to the challenge.
    Well done!

  2. Love the last photo and the idea of this post. Awesome Sue!

  3. Strong women.

    I am very proud. Many have forgotten what it meant to settle a wilderness.

    I believe women are still doing that.

    Beautiful piece.

  4. In honor of our ancestor sisters. Just beautiful! I'm in awe of what they had to overcome, and at the same time I'm so glad it wasn't me. We have our own challenges today, however, and could be they are watching us and thinking they're thankful to have avoided our challenges today. They are our helping angels, I feel.

  5. Lovely post ~ Great message ~ ^_^

  6. Awesome poem, gave me goosebumps!

  7. My ancestors didn't make the same journey as yours, but it was an equally harrowing voyage. Those women were made of strong stuff!

  8. Much braver than me...this brought tears to my eyes. It should be read in Relief Society on Sunday..do I have permission? I hope so. Beautiful Sue!

  9. This is such a beautiful poem. I do not know how they did it. This was inspiring and heart felt. May I share it with my Daughters of the Utah Pioneers camp sometime?
    Blessings and hugs!

  10. Beautiful!! Thank you! Happy Pioneer Day to you!

  11. and gave birth to the promised land...what an epic...it was hard but if i had the choice i think the age of discovery and exploration would be so cool...

  12. I loved this.....i hope you can stop by my blog, it is kind of special to me. bleachervison.blogspot.com

  13. Pioneers - men and women - had difficult lives. that's for sure.

  14. You have a knack for using your words to bring things so much closer. The heirlooms, the babies, moving on and finally giving birth to the promised land! I am so glad I read this today. Beautiful.

  15. Wow Sue, that poem was inspired. What beautiful words to describe their journey. Thank you so much for sharing it! You are amazing!!

  16. brought tears. It helped me feel a little of the pioneer spirit!

  17. As hard as I've tried through out my life, I can never quite imagine what they endured. We owe them so incredibly much.

    Your words here Sue, paint a glorious picture of their strength. What a gift you have. And thank you for sharing it with so many.

  18. This is extraordinary, Sue.
    You are singing the praises of strong women everywhere in a quite beautiful fashion.

  19. So many women...

    ...all going to the Promised Land!

    With determination and fortitude and never-say-quit attitudes that make our world a magnificent place.

    I see you on this journey, Miss Sue.

    And I thank you for sharing your vision of it...past, present and future.

  20. Yes, wonderful poem, I like your compositions!

  21. First time visitor here - I have read through some of your posts and loved this poem. I shall be back for another visit. Have a wonderful day.

  22. That pioneer woman statue is in my home town! Ponca City, OK. Such a great tribute to pioneer women everywhere!
