Sunday, May 5, 2013

X-cellent Athletes, X-tra Proud Grandma

Our 5-year-old grandson is getting to be an expert batter,
and he's not too shabby at manning third base, either!

Our middle-schooler (age 11) is swimming in team meets now.
Check out that breast and back stroke! Not bad, eh?

As for our granddaughter (in blue on the left), she likes to play hoops.
She is following in the footsteps of her dad and uncles!

Too cool.


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  1. You have an active bunch of grandchildren, Sue. Good for them! sports are a great training ground for the challenges of adult life, and a great way to stay healthy.

  2. It is wonderful that your grandchildren are so active and diversified.

  3. Your grandkids sound very wonderfully active. I can feel in your words how proud you are.

  4. It's probably so much fun to watch your grandchildren go through this stuff. As a Mom its hectic and getting them to and from everything. I can't wait to be the grandma who gets to WATCH!

  5. wow you are sporting it up all over the place...but its fun. esp if they are really into a sport and at least you got a little variety as well eh? smiles.

  6. This is all so awesome. What great kids you have.

  7. Oh how I miss those Little League days and swim meets! Didn't get around to basketball, but would've loved that too. How fun for you to watch, and hope you get down more often than not.

  8. Those are amazing photos! Especially of the swimmer. I love seeing kids out and being active. What a blessing that will be in their lives for years to come.

  9. What fun they are having! great photos!
