Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Lucky 13

I am back from a long and rather lovely holiday hiatus to wish everyone the happiest of New Years and to publicly announce that I am expecting good things from 2013! 
Whether or not they come my way is a whole other question, but I might as well put in my order, non? 

After all, 13 is my lucky number. Yep, you heard me right. During high school and college, when angst-ridden friends were wailing and gnashing their teeth over examinations scheduled for Friday the 13th, I would remark with a certain degree of self-satisfaction that everything always seemed to go my way on those days. (And I am apparently as insufferable as ever, because here I am on my blog crowing about the same thing.) It's a wonder I have any friends at all!

Be that as it may, I do love a new year. Fresh starts always appeal to me, and I am ready to make the most of the one at hand. My plan is to systematically remove all extraneous clutter from my life––literally and figuratively––from little knick knacks that no longer reflect who I am (or never did), to behaviors that no longer serve me, to activities that no longer satisfy me. Yep, it's going to be the year of the purge for this old gal, and I am pretty excited about it. In fact, the almighty heave-ho is already underway, and it feels good.

One thing that will NOT get the almighty heave-ho is my new purple hat, a felted-wool keeper from my hubby that I intend to wear with great frequency. (Sorry, no picture of me sportin' it, as today's hair is in anything but photo-ready condition.)

Even cuter on my head.
Trust me.



  1. I love hats...I wish they looked good on me!
    I also, like you, am in the decluttering phase. I seem to have a need to do it almost year round.

    Glad you are back!

  2. oooh i like your hat...purple, the royal color...smiles..and the first of the year is a great time to do that cleaning out as life and in the house....working on a bit of that myself...happy new year to you sue....hope it is wonderful for you and your fam....

  3. I bet the purple hat is stunning on you. Good for you for purging. I need to do the same. Where does all that stuff come from, anyway??

  4. I think you still need to post a picture of the purple chapeau on your head.

    Happy Lucky '13, Sue!

  5. I LOVE your new hat, and I love your idea to purge all non-essentials. And that purple color will be stunning on you. Happy New Year!

  6. Love that hat! I got a new one but it's a white fuzzy number that I love...I'm with you on the purging thing. I'm taking stock and finding some boxes ASAP! Hope your lucky year is truly amazing. I'll be expecting some super duper posts all about it! You go girl!

  7. I like your word. Purging is good! I have quite a bit...a garage full of purge-able junk. Kids go back to school next week and then here I come.

  8. I look forward to seeing all your lucky things!

  9. I think I have that hat. I love it! Though hats and curly hair don't really got well together. I look more like a clown than anything in hats, with the curls poking out. Sigh.
    How wonderful that 13 is such a great number for you. Purging is always a good thing, I think. It somehow seems to cleanse the soul. Good things are in store for you, I am sure of it. This just feels like it is going to be a good year all in all.

  10. What a great hat! I love the color! Happy New Year!

  11. may 13 be all the best and I love the hat!

  12. I so enjoy your posts. I like the idea of a new start and purging out some of the old. You must get a picture of yourself in that cute purple hat. What an awesome gift from your dear husband. I love hats and wish that women wore them more.
    Sue,have a wonderful start to the New year. I look forward to more of your wonderful posts.
    Blessings and hugs!

  13. Happy New Year to you! And please, wear that hat often and take your picture in it!

  14. I am also interested in seeing your new hat on you. I don't think I did at Christmas???? If I did, I am truly worried about my mind as I don't remember at all. It's funny, but I don't remember at all why I never wore hats. I just never did. I know I would have loved being able to go through some of things you were going to get rid of, but you hadn't even started yet. I wonder if you will bring any of that stuff with you (especially your large and extra large clothes) that you hadn't yet put in the big bag. I wear so many of your old ones. You and Jayne make it so that I haven't had to buy hardly anything for so long. Good thing too because I'm getting so I hate to go shopping!

    I've already started to clean out things. I started with the credenza and I can't tell you how much stuff I threw away and also I totally organized the rest. You will be happy to see it. I'm so anxious to see you again. Hope you'll be able to let me know soon when you plan to be here.

  15. I did try it on, Mom, but I guess you didn't see it in all the confusion.


  16. I bet that hat looks amazing on you!
