Monday, October 29, 2012

the kiss

the kiss

toe to toe
in the mist
heart to heart
perfect bliss
lip to lip
can't resist

who cares about rain
at a time like this

©2012 susan noyes anderson

Oh, what a magical magpie prompt we have today! Thanks, Tess.

My annual Halloween story poem will be be posted tomorrow.

(I feel the need to add that my levity on the subject of rain does not extend to Sandy and the havoc she is wreaking. Hope all of you are safe and dry somewhere. We are praying that damage and loss will be as limited as possible.)

click below for more magpie offerings


  1. Sue honey
    Such a sweet post.
    Looking forward to your Halloween story poem.
    I too pray the storm will not be as bad as they are predicting.

  2. Last night I was so tired but I got that nervous leg thing along with knee pain and I couldn't fall asleep. When I have moments like that I like to think back about when I first met my husband. I loved this sweet poem; it has some meaning to me. Always enjoy the poems!
    Blessing and hugs!

  3. Wonderful as usual.

    I prefer writing before I read others. I may miss this one.

  4. Oh! How perfectly perfect. Short, sweet and just the perfect kiss.

  5. A sweet poem to compliment the sweet image. Our kids on the east coast have all checked in and all are safe, warm and dry. The pair in NYC - remember Hurricane Irene and the freak storm last year? Yes, that was their wedding day. This year it's their first anniversary. But they took it all with good humor. After all, they're together, and in love.

  6. Perfect short reaction to the prompt. Nicely Sue!


  7. Very sweet - just like young love:-)

  8. You made me smile! You are sooooo clever!

  9. Hey Sue tou aound as though though youve been there, wouldnt surprise me !

  10. Yes, all else fades into the background at times like these.
    Well done, neat and sweet.
    We are all holding our breathes for the people of the East Coast as they 'weather the storm'.

  11. def not worrying about the rain personally...smiles...not with a kiss like that...

  12. That says it all..perfection..such a sweet moment...

  13. So very true! There once was a time I'd let bucket loads chuck it down on me...!

  14. Cute poem and sweet pic! We've had lots of rain the last few days but the electric has stayed on through the wind and the snow missed us by all is good here!

  15. Very romantic!
    It's interesting to me how it goes so well with your music...the same music that goes so well with the scary poem!

  16. Ah, I have always wanted a romantic kiss in the rain. But Utah rain is so cold! Which may be why I have never had one.
