Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Hurray for Independence Day

The love of freedom by the free,

 when nurtured from its infancy,

becomes a many-splendored thing

that makes the heart rise up and sing.

 The stars and stripes are symbols of

 our country's greatness, and the love

of citizens who pay the cost

so our traditions won't be lost.

May our children forever see

the sweet rewards of liberty.


Isn't my grandson a cute little American? 

photos by tendershootz

for more happiness posts click below


  1. Happy Fourth of July to you and your family, Sue!

    I haven't been around to see you lately because Gil has been sick with food poisoning since last wednesday. He is feeling better now and the kids have been awesome but as you can imagine, my wing man was down and I was also taking care of him! He's feeling better today!

    Hope you guys have a great 4th! :)

  2. He's as darling as they come. Happy 4th to you!

  3. A gal after my own heart...another grandma!!! Yes, your grandson is adorable in his patriotic gear.
    Laurie @ Pride in Photos

  4. We are so blessed to live in a land of freedom. And we are ever grateful for the men and women who work hard and those who have given their lives so we can be free. God bless America and your cute grandson too!

  5. That he is! Nice poem and photos!

  6. These pictures of Bryce are adorable. I would be so much happier if I could only know that our schools are teaching patriotism as the children go from grade to grade. We used to celebrate all the holidays when I went to school. Furthermore we gave particular attention to the ones that were all about our country and the freedoms we enjoy. Nowdays all of that is pretty much gone from our schools unless you put them in private schools. Public ones are forgtting such things, if celebrated at all, it is very scanty. I hope it is only in our local school system. How is your public school system when it comes to celebrating God and country?

  7. Perfect poem for the 4th! And yes, he is a cutie. We are so lucky to live in this country, and nothing brings that home more than seeing the delight children take in patriotism.

  8. yay happy independence day to you and yours...

    i am holed up in a church right now, we are under severe storms again and i could not get home...hopefully it passes over but...

    going to be an interesting holiday here...

    some great pics!

  9. Precious photos!

    Have a wonderful 4th, Sue!

  10. Happy Fourth! You are right, that Grandson is the cutest and the pics are adorable. These patriotic holidays make me teary eyed and so proud to be an American...and I try to be grateful each day for this free and wonderful country. Have a good holiday!

  11. Your grandson sure is adorable, and everyone looks happy.

    Happy 4th of July!

  12. "of citizens who pay the cost"...thank you for putting this holiday in perspective for me, Sue.

  13. Hope you had a good time with family and friends. The pictures and the kids are endearing.

  14. I love the marching boy candid shot. He is really into that fourth-of-July feeling huh? :)
    Ed Butowsky

  15. I know how you feel, Sue! I've 4 grandsons and 1 grand-daughter. They can be boisterous but they can be lots of fun and are a joy to be with. Beautiful combo pics and Happy 4th of July!


  16. He is a cutie! I always love going to see my grandchildren perform in school functions, especially the singing. They are so loud and full of pride! Have a great weekend!~Ames

  17. Absolutely adorable!!!! Hope you had a great 4th!

  18. Horray for all your great photos!

  19. How adorable! I love how proud he is at such a young age. What a wonderful country we live in. Happy 4th!

  20. oh how i love red, white, and blue
