Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Happy Hello


Couldn't quite decide which pic I liked most...

so you're getting both!

Guess who got to bid a happy hello to our friend Jenny (the beautiful gal on the right) last Tuesday? Yep, it was yours truly. Too bad I didn't get in the picture...But my hubby did, and so did Jenny's friend Sue and her darling daughters. We all met up at Gayle's Bakery in Capitola, California. Good eats and even better company!

And yes, she's every bit as much fun in person.

Holla, Jenny!



  1. What a happy and fun group! I think it is just great that you got to meet up with Jenny!

  2. Have two friend reunions I'd like to have this summer...just waiting for it to come together. Although I think you really have to force it sometimes!! Glad you had a good one!

  3. That is just too cool! You definitely should have been in the picture!

  4. I am so ridiculously green with envy I can't even put it into words....

  5. You Lucky Ducky Sue! I wish you'd been in the picture too, but I guess someone had to hold the camera :)
    Jenny has a very cute smile!

  6. Terra took the words right out of my mouth so jealous! glad you had so much fun!

  7. How fun. I have a friend who goes to Capitola every year for the arts festival. She loves it there.

  8. Every week of every summer should contain a lovely lunch like this

  9. Oh that would be my kind of fun! I hope I get to meet you some day too.

  10. Looked like you all had fun, and it's good to see Jenny. It's a Happy Alphabe-group :-)

  11. Oh my. You struck pay dirt. Jenny AND Gayle's Bakery. Plus to have Dave with you too... Oh happy days! :)

  12. Great fun! July is going to be a huge blog-friend fest, isn't it? I'm not sure where Capitola is, but any good bakery is a friend of mine! Glad you had fun. Dave looks happy and relaxed!

  13. How could a meet up in a bakery be anything but delicious!

  14. Oh, that's so nice to meet Blog friends life !! and become real friends. The last blogfriend was from South Africa and we met in London ! I came from Brussels, lol !

  15. When you read about people and their lives and you don't actually know them in person it almost gives blog friends a "celebrity" status..because when you meet (I haven't actually met any out of state friends yet) I think it just makes it so special and so 3D! Aleast I think it would! How fun to meet up and enjoy a fun day. Maybe someday I'll meet you Sue, my famous blog friend...I just hope it's in a bakery too!

  16. Oh Sue I am soooh glad you got to meet up with Jenny! She's a peach! ~Ames

  17. What a treat, Sue! Jenny is just so much fun, isn't she??

  18. That is AWESOME! Looks like a good time!

  19. Wonderful, really great and happy greeting.

  20. Wish we all Alphabetians could have been there!

    Great reunion! I'm sure we were all there in spirit anyway!

  21. what a delightful fun group!! good for you!

  22. very cool....def a lot of fun being able to meet people like that...

  23. Dear Sue,
    Where are you?? I have often said, life should always be like this. Great and happy group. Thanks for sharing my friend.

  24. How very cool! Looks like you were having fun.

  25. Hooray! A fun gathering of happy smiles!

    Can't go wrong with that!

    I can't download the picture of you from my phone...darn chintzy thing anyway!

    Thanks for taking time to meet me! I loved it!

    Hugs and A+
