Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Disappearing Act

I have to apologize for my disappearing act, not just in posting but in visiting your blogs. I am missing you all, but between vacation, my husband's retirement, and church work, we are constantly on the run.

In fact, we've returned home from a great week with the family at Newport Beach just in time to begin preparing for what is literally the biggest assignment of our lives: feeding 2,500 young adults Sunday dinner for our segment of a youth conference that will be held statewide in California on the weekend of August 10th. Figuring out the logistics of that task is simply mind-boggling, and we are fully immersed in pricing, ordering, finding volunteers for the kitchen, and just plain preparing ourselves psychologically to get the job done. To be honest, both of us are nervous wrecks. (Can you say deer in the headlights?...to say nothing of the blind leading the blind?) Seriously, we don't have a clue! Loaves and fishes, anyone??

We do look forward to the conference, though, and since one of our own sons will be among the beneficiaries, we do have a dog in the race. Lots of them, actually, if you count everyone in my husband's congregation. This is a wonderful chance for all these young people to get together, meet new people, and have the kind of spiritual experiences they need. I know we will love being a part of it, especially once all of this preliminary food planning has been done.

Saturday we will be in Tahoe, where the hubby will perform a marriage ceremony for two of our son's best friends. We will also visit my brother and his wife, who were married last year. They are a rather well-merged "Brady Bunch" family, and I am looking forward to seeing their newly remodeled house. (They were bursting at the seams and had to do some serious expanding!)

On the home front, I am enjoying Dave's retirement so far, and so is he. What a pleasure it is to be able to wake up with the luxury of planning our day together. We haven't quite gotten the rhythm down yet (hence my recent tendency to lag in blogging and commenting), but we will sure have fun figuring it all out as we go along!

Life is good, albeit a little hectic. At least we're in demand, right? (Not bad for a couple of old geezers like us...)



  1. I have a feeling you and Dave will always be in demand, my friend. I'm glad to see you both busy and happy, immersed in family events. And the huge catering project? I can't wait to hear how perfectly you pull it off! (With a fair amount of crazy behind the scenes I imagine...)

  2. wow...so how many loaves & fishes do you have to break for a crowd that size...smiles...glad you had a good time...retirement it seems has come with lots of opportunity for you...

    your question...while on vacation last week i got notice the company i work for is closing...so i am closing cases, saying goodbye to kids this week...have an interview on thursday for a local school system working with SPED kids...

    figuring out what is next...

  3. welcome back!! wow..you are one busy fun lady...good for you. I LOVE your poem(s)!!!!! keep writing them!

  4. Oh, I'm so glad you posted. I was starting to worry. I totally get what you're saying about busy busy busy...I have had the hardest time keeping up with the blogging in the past couple months...I try, but it's hard.

    Glad all is well, albeit busy. You'll figure it all out and it will be a marvelous experience for all involved. I have no doubts.

    Lots of love and calm thoughts coming your way.xo

  5. I can't even begin to imagine how to feed that many people, especially teenagers...they always eat more.

    It is so wonderful that you are both free to do with together. Enjoy.

  6. That seals it..when Jack and I retire we're not telling a single soul...not anyone..not even the blog...only God will know...seriously. P.S...good luck with the catering. Should I send out my Mom? She's the best at feeding a crowd. In fact, if you look in the Bible under "fishes and loaves" you'll see her picture.

  7. It's such a busy time, but it certainly sounds like a great kind-of-busy for y'all. Congrats to your hubby (and you)!

  8. Wow, you do have a big event to plan. I will add you to my prayer list. I am sure it will all turn out perfect; but I do know how hard it is.
    My husband hasn't retired yet, but he works at home. It has been an interesting adjustment. I will love when he won't have the pressures of work.
    Blessings and prayers for you!

  9. Have a wonderful trip to Tahoe!

  10. You are going to be FANTASTIC! Just be there with a smile and food and you can't go wrong.

  11. Oh my gosh, I had no idea that you were going to have such a big job ahead of you. I cannot get my head around having to feed so many young adults. I'll have to call you later and get all the details.

    I also had no idea you would be going to Tahoe. That sounds like a fun trip. I'm glad you will be able to see Rich and Stacy. I too am eager to see their BIG addition.

    I'm so glad that you and Dave are enjoying your retirement. I just knew you would.

  12. I am so looking forward to being retired someday. I have a couple of decades to go, but I can still dream about it....

  13. Hi dear friend
    I am sitting here in awe of you and Dave and what you are doing for so many young people. Your an amazing woman and I always love hearing about what you are doing.
    I too am doing the the disappearing act here in the blog world but not for the wonderful reasons you are. lol
    So happy that you and Dave are enjoying his retirement.
    Just don't forget to breath and remember the loaves and fishes and you will do fine.
    Wish I lived where I could at least help you serve or something.

  14. Yikes! I hear you, who would have guessed, certainly not me, 10 years ago would I have imaged the busy-ness of the times. I too really miss the blogging world, the contacts, faces, names and friendly updates - but right now I'm forced to choose between sleep and blogging and I have to choose the sleep - ha! But I keep thinking that soon . . . life will be less complicated :D


  15. Wow you are busy! Good luck with the conference. That is a whole lot of food to cook! Good luck with it, and can't wait to hear about it.
