Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wizard of Oz Meets Foxy Loxy

It's not easy stepping in at the last minute

to play Uncle Henry in the Wizard of Oz.

but it certainly has its rewards!

Meanwhile, Carli doubled as a munchkin

and a flying monkey...

one of which Dorothy was (clearly) especially fond.

What a talented pair!

 (Meanwhile, in related showbiz news...

Bryce was no slouch as Foxy Loxy either.)


photos by tendershootz

for more happiness, click below


  1. You're right, that's not easy stepping into a role last minute! Great job!

  2. smiles...good on him for stepping in...it looks like a lot of fun...and those treats...mmm....smiles.

  3. Love the photos! What fun. And who knows? Perhaps a future star is born!

  4. I loved it when my kiddos were little and did performances for school or church or scouts...now it's great to have the "do overs" with the Grands! Yours are so sweet and congrats to them for stepping up and doing their parts!

  5. For some reason I thought this was about Sue Squared...and I wondered who was the Wizard and who was Foxy!


  6. Well I was excited that you had two grandchildren playing in the Wizard of Oz, but now you're telling me that Bryce is Foxy Loxy?!? Be still, my heart! I can't WAIT for my grandkids to start doing things like this!

  7. Yay! Some of my FONDEST memories as a child were in plays at our local community theatre! SO awesome your grands are involved in this, Sue!!


  8. OH how wonderful! I LOVE watching children in theater. I'm sure it's very hard on you not to be there. :(

  9. What great training for the real world. Love to see kids in plays. So does grandma I bet

  10. I used to love doing plays, but then I had kids and it seemed impossible to spare the time they wanted...maybe when I'm into the next phase of life, they'll need old people, too!!

  11. How fun! We loved to see kids involved in things besides playing video games and watching tv. Don't get us wrong xbox kinnect is a ton of fun, put plays and great stories and fables are priceless.

  12. How wonderful their school did a play. I wish ours did stuff like that. I enjoyed those programs as a child.

  13. What a talented family you have!

  14. It would have been fun to be there for the dramas. I am so sorry it didn't work out.

    I'll be they all did a bang up job too.
