Saturday, June 16, 2012

Say It With Flowers...

Going with a poem this week for Saturday Centus...I'm such a romantic! Thanks to Jenny for another "ordinary" prompt (highlighted below, in red). We get to use 106 words, which I have exceeded slightly. I hope you'll excuse that bit of poetic license.


Say It with Flowers...
©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson

Has it really been a decade
since you were in my arms?
Ten years ago, I bid farewell
to you and all your charms.

Time passes when you’re having fun,
and I’ve been A-okay.
I said good-bye, good riddance on
the day you walked away.

I never missed you for one moment;
months flew quickly by.
My life with you was not a dream,
and you’re the reason why.

You taunted me, belittled me,
and called me a reject.
It was the best day of my life
when you chose to defect.

I’d always heard that breaking up
was oh-so-hard to do.
But it was oh-so-easy, darlin’,
breaking up with you.

So Happy Anniversary!
This decade has been swell.
May all you gave come back to you,
and may you go to………(an eminently suitable destination.)



  1. What a great take on celebrating an "anniverary"! Good job as make me want to try rhyming again, but I am not very good at it!

  2. Ha ha-way to break up and celebrate it!

    ~Naila Moon

  3. smiles...celebrating the anniversary of a break there is a thought...kinda like independence day...smiles.

  4. Hmmm..anger issues today? Just kidding Sue! I loved this. Sometimes we just have to walk away and know it's the best thing to do. I have friends and family who should have taken that route in their lives and then celebrated a great decade without the stress!

  5. What a great laugh we got out of this one Sue.

    Now I'm going to have to read some more of these to see if anyone measured up to this! I think it would be pretty difficult to top this one.

  6. That's the way to give him what for. LOL

  7. I love this! Sounds like my ex-husband!

  8. Lol...I could have written this. Been almost a decade since I said good riddance to you know who!! Yahoo!

  9. Oh what a fun and clever poem, and what a great idea to celebrate the anniversary of a needed breakup. laurie

  10. Fabulous, Sue!!!! I am in New Orleans, and am heading back to Tucson tomorrow, so I haven't written my Centus yet. I can really appreciate your piece!!!!!

  11. I think I left a few of those behind myself!

    Loved this Sue!
