Wednesday, May 23, 2012




I've got lots going on today...lots to do before spending a weekend with my parents, intersected by a family wedding on my husband's side. It looks to be a great weekend, and I've even managed to find a fairly flattering outfit for the black-tie reception, miracle of miracles. (My body needs some overhauling lately...)

Soooo, before I set off on a breakneck-paced day that includes cleaning my house from top to bottom, getting my hair cut, and running a list of errands as long as my arm, I thought I would share a moment's respite with you from my favorite respite-giver, James Taylor. If that man can't take a person from rattled to relaxed, I don't know who can, so be sure to turn up your volume and embrace him via my playlist.

And isn't this just the prettiest picture ever? (I'm even going to honor you with the lyrics!)

The water is wide, I can't cross over. 
And neither have I wings to fly. 
Give me a boat that can carry two, 
and both shall row, my love and I.


PS. I always like knowing that my love is rowing with me. Pretty soon, he'll be doing that full-time! (Retirement clock now reads 38 days and counting.)


  1. 38 days until retirement? That is so exciting!

    From one busy weeker to another: GOOD LUCK!

  2. Hello Sue,
    I love this song so much and it set the mood for my day so thank you for that.
    Have a wonderful time at the wedding. Thank you so much for visiting : )

  3. Pretty photo and song and congrats on 38 days to retirement. I highly recommend it :)

  4. I've always loved James Taylor!

  5. 38 down...smiles...that is a wonderufl pic and thanks for soothing out the day for use with a little james taylor...

  6. Sweet music! Have a great weekend! Sounds like you have a lot of fun ahead of you.

  7. I looove this song. I sang it in a trio at my high school Baccalaureate. I was braver then.

  8. Nothing better than a busy day with fun at the end. I hope your weekend with family is great...I know Darlene is excited about you coming! Be sure to take some pics of that outfit! Thanks for James..he does always make you feel like the world is a good place. Your hubby will really think it's great in about a month huh?

  9. Ahhh... Sweet Baby James... I did have a rather hectic day today, and he is just what I needed! Have a wonderful time with your family - both sides! Your mother is beside herself with excitement so at the very least you'll have vast quantities of baked goods.
    38 days, huh? You must be soooo excited!

  10. Loved the James Taylor. You are so right, he can relax me as no other. Philip Philips can do it pretty well too, as I almost went to sleep when we were watching him on American Idle. I'm not surprised he won. I kept saying through the whole thing though that I wished both of them could win.

    I really did get off the track there talking about American Idle. The picture was truly beautiful. I would like to be able to see that place in person.

    Okay, I'm ready now to go back and listen to James. I really need one of his albums. Do you know that I don't own even one, when I love him so much. The only time I get to hear him is when I go to your place.

  11. 38 busy days, it sounds like!!! yeehaw for the end in view!

  12. I hope you two enjoy retirement as much as we are!
