Thursday, May 31, 2012

Birthday Bulletin: 60 and Counting!

Send flowers. It's my birthday.

I'm sixty years, all told.

Some call me wise and wonderful,

but I just call me old.

The wrinkles that once graced my brow

are marching down, by threes.

Confined to brow, they charmed me...

but en masse, they're enemies.

(And things I should not mention here

are dropping to my knees.)

And yet, I'm stoic as can be,

though hair escapes my head.

Some follicles I have are frail,

while others are quite dead.

What's more, "dark blond" has turned "bright white."

(Does that give me age cred?)

If so, I'm credible indeed.

But what a price to pay!

I'm sixty and I know it.

(My hips tell me every day.)

They still move when I get my groove on,

but they creak! Oy vey.

So step right up; let's party down.

(I'm old, not DOA!)

©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson


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  1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I hope you have som fun plans!

  2. Head to the beach! That is where I found my "happy place" this past week! ( )

    I LOVE your poem! And your music selections are also fantastic! You are a WONDERFUL writer and I LOVE following your life and blog!

  3. Oh, and Have a Happy Birthday! And I really do hope you go to the beach!

  4. I see this hook, but I'm NOT biting.

    You are one of the most wonderful people I know...60 or not!

    Happy Birthday Beautiful lady!

    Thanks for the smile...but I know for a fact you are writing about someone else!

    Hugs and hugs and A++++++

  5. Happy birthday my friend. Just following the instructions in your cute poem... be sure to check your doorstep before the day is over!! :)

  6. Sue This was the best poe ever! I laughed a couple of times. Unfortunately at almost 45 I was relating Waaaay too much : ) Happy Birthday Dear Sue!

  7. Happy Birthday, love love love the poem and just the right way to express the 'age' factor with humor!

  8. So I am hesitant to say happy birthday because this is an alphabe Thursday post. But then if I don't I will seem like a jerk who doesn't wish you a happy birthday. Besides, there is no way you are 60. You look way too young for that. So I will compromise and wish you a happy day, birthday or not!

  9. Happy happy birthday to a beautiful lady! (I'm sure you woke up beautiful on your big day, right? Never mind - you'll never admit it - I'll have to ask Dave.) It's all about what's inside, dear - we're all on a slippery slope on the outside! But our nearest and dearest somehow always think we're just as beautiful as ever. We should listen to them. Often.
    Happy Day!!

  10. What would we do without Maxine! She knows just the right way to express what we are thinking! Great Letter B Post and I hope you have a very Happy Birthday! Sixty is Nifty!!! I think Maxine would agree!!!

  11. Yes, it really is my birthday.
    And yes, I really am 60!


  12. ps. yes I did! You deserve them. Plus...I was just following your does say send flowers! And to answer your question...2nd counselor in RS. Busy busy busy... but good.

  13. You make 60 look FUN!!! Happy Birthday, Sue!!!

  14. "I'm old not DOA" .... love that line!!!
    Happy Birthday to you!!!

  15. Happy birthday Sue!

    I am only a year behind you so I'll be singing the same song next year. Your "60" rhyme was hysterical! :)

  16. Happy birthday, Sue! I would love to be 60 again! But more than that, I would love to have your talent with words!!!

  17.'s the new "AWESOME!" Happy Birthday Sue...I'm right on your tail..well, next year anyway! Great poem, I might have to borrow it in Feb...

  18. My dear Sue,
    As along as you are healthy and are YOUNG. Many more days of fun and blogging. Thanks for sharing my friend.

  19. Oh Sue, I hope you have an excellent 61st year. You are young at heart and it so seems we are all getting a day older at each sunset. CRAZY!
    I'm wondering if I can link your poem for a post I'm planning in a couple days. Very timely.

  20. Happy Birthday my dear friend Sue!

  21. Oh, and I can relate TOO well to your poem today.

  22. Happy Birthday. Hope you had a great day. You don't seem that old to me.

  23. Happy Birthday, young girl ! and welcome to the club ! I celebrated this birthday nearly 9 years ago !
    It's not the numbers of years which counts but your mind ! Some are already old with 30, lol !

  24. haha this was fun...i would like to think you are wine-ing well and just getting better with age you know...smiles....happy birthday sue!

  25. Happy Birthday! I love your sense of humor in this poem.


    I know I'm a day late but I hope your day was great!! (See, I'm kind of a poet too!) ;)

    I loved your poem. AND, I hope I'm just like you when I'm 60. You are all kinds of awesome.

    Love, Caroline

  27. Sue you teenager you! Happy Birthday! I L O V E this poem! I am flattered you wrote it aobut me! LOL! You are talented and so very young! Loved this sweet share! Happy weekend to you! Hugs Anne

  28. Has your get up and go done got up and gone? :0 Happy Birthday Sue!~Ames

  29. Happy Birthday! I love your poem, and I can sooo relate :)

  30. Oh, Sue! I am SO glad I happened to see your blog tonight....or, make that this morning. It's now a little after midnight here! Happy Fabulous Birthday!! I'm aggravated that I should've known about your birthday. I'm sure I read about it last year, and meant to add it to the names in my birthday book... "meant to" are BIG words lately for me! I am right behind ya, you youngster you!! And you know I LOVE Maxine!! know that 60 is the new 40, right?! So true!! Hugs xoxo

  31. Yay! Happy Birthday! This post is so fun! I jut had a birthday, too. I hope you are still celebrating. :)

  32. Happy Birthday!! What a delightful poem... I can certainly empathize. Two more years and your choice of music will become my theme song.
    Thanks for so many enjoyable blogs.

  33. The last few days have been so hectic for me, I haven't even been on the computer, so am late in reading your birthday blog.

    It was so fun reading your poem, very very clever. I also enjoyed reading all your comments. Most of us can relate. My sixtieth birthday seems sooooo long ago, but I can remember how it felt at the time. It is definitely a big milestone, just as my 85th was. Do you realize I was just 25 when you were born? Oh my gosh, that seems like forever ago.

  34. Happy Birthday! I hope that you have a wonderful day, a wonderful healthy year and a wonderful, healthy productive and happy decade!

  35. Happy Birthday! We're a year apart and ions apart in writing talent! This poem made me laugh!

  36. Happy Birthday and welcome to your 6th decade! glad you're not DOA!

  37. Happy Birthday, belatedly. I am only 40 and already have saggy arms. sigh. Whatever. Inside I am 20...and I bet sometimes you feel that way, too.

  38. Oh my! This is a hilarious poem and for sure one to be shared. Great "B" post, I so love it! lol

  39. Happy Happy Birthday!!! Hope it was a supercalifragiliciuos type of a day!!!
