Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Rating Game

Saturday Centus has rolled around once more, and Jenny's write-happy readers are living the dream with her new prompt, which (coincidentally) is "I'm living the dream, man." No more than 100 words can be used to develop this *sigh* totally dreamy theme, and I have used considerably fewer. The prompt, as always, is in red.


Rating the Dream

©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson

I’m living the dream, man, a bad one.

Who knew? I expected a rad one.

But R(ad)’s not the rating…

It’s X-cruciating.

A nightmare, if ever I had one!



  1. hehe....your dream is X could be a nightmare...smiles...sorry you got me tickled this morning...

  2. hey you, ok, hope that this isn't a true story about an X-ray that showed something it shouldn't have. Tell me I'm reading too much into it and I should just be laughing! xo

  3. You should just be laughing, Anita. No bad news here.


  4. Sounds like you are taking Vit E like I am. Ha! When I take my vit E it helps my memory so much that I remember my dreams.

  5. I just found your blog by using the "Next" button on my toolbar to discover some new blogs. I love this idea, and have added myself to the Jenny Matlock Saturday Centus :)

  6. Yes, very clever... good play on words!

  7. Since I have been on so much medication lately, I have had some of those nightmarish dreams, Sue! Of course, I never thought to turn them into a poem! Good post!!!!

  8. Good play on words. You gonna share the dream? Then we can rate it for you! :)

  9. When I have those dreams I'm always wondering what I ate that night at dinner!

  10. I always remember the nightmares, and rarely the good dreams. Clever poem. I hope your next dream is a Rad one. (My Centus will post Monday morning.)

  11. Hey, that was fun. Short and sweet, just like this comment.

  12. i totally thought you were going to say you saw hunger games and thought it should be R for violence just based off of your title and i had just read jen's post on how she wasn't letting some of her kids see it.

  13. You are rated R(ad) in my book.

  14. Clear, clever, concise...... and I saw something unintended(?): RX. So the optimist in me wanted the prescription for the cure: God. :-)

    Do we know how Todd did last Friday yet?

    And are you seeing progress in your Easter production? Keeping you both in my prayers. :-)

  15. A lymerick! How fun and delightful!
    -Judee from write tuit WP

  16. Short and sweet - and clever! When I have dreams like that I always wonder what's going on in my head that I'm not aware of!

  17. Oh but wait - you're LIVING the dream! Not HAVING a dream. Yeah, I've had those days too...

  18. I'm jealous. I know I shouldn't be but well I want to go to Maui!

    Well since I can't go, will you take a dip in the ocean for me Sue? :)~Ames

  19. I love the limerick-like quality of this writing!

    Fabulous as always!
