Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Better than Gold

A day by the ocean is better than gold.

But even more brilliant is what the nights hold.

The glow of the sun as it kisses the sea

infuses our spirits with tranquility...

reminds us that endings make room for new starts...

and warms us with beauty that captures our hearts.

Not even the menu serves up a distraction.

For Todd, it's the view that provides the attraction.

(Though fish and filet do give some satisfaction!)



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  1. Your wonderful poem and pictures bring Maui memories back to me. The evening sunsets are truly gorgeous. It is just so tranquil and I love the pictures of Todd just relaxing. That alone did my heart good. Good too that you got a picture of you and Dave in the evening twilight. I just wish we could have been there.

    I do hope that you are taking lots and lots of pictures. Then you can bring the whole lot and let us see them when you come here for the golfing trip.

    Just what day are you coming home? I have forgotten, even though you did tell me. I know the five days pass all too quickly when you are in Hawaii. Keep on having fun.

  2. I'll take some fish and filet with a side of sunset any day!

  3. Your words and photographs work perfectly together. You did get gold, a golden sunset! We hope you obey the Bible and eat, drink and be merry...wait...we're pretty sure we got that wrong. ;-) Enjoy!

  4. my husband would heartily agree (except for eating of the fish). He loves the seaside. You word it so well.

  5. sounds like you're having a delightful time! Hooray for you!

  6. How fun to be a beautiful place with family! Love the pics and the one of you and your hubby is lovely...the poem is really good too! (Make my menu selection a filet please!) Enjoy your vacation!

  7. making room for new starts....that is def what the rest of this week is about for me...

    and all is cool...just need some time away to be fresh...

  8. Stunning photos. Looks like you're having a great time.

  9. Please enjoy that lovely view, the peaceful ocean, and the delicious fish for me! It sounds so perfect.

  10. Such a pretty spot!

  11. Very cute! I am pining for the ocean...

  12. Oh my goodness, the most lovely of photos, how perfect, and to give us such sounds of gold too, I feel I'm along as well!

  13. Beautiful sunsets! Lovely words to go with the photos!

  14. Now that'a pic to cherish forever..the one with you and the hubs and the sunset in between you. Keeper!~Ames

  15. Oh it looks and sounds like you are having a GREAT time! And I love the picture of you and Dave! Here's to making fun memories in Maui! It looks SO beautiful!

  16. Sue honey your poem is beautiful.
    So are you! Love the pic of you and Dave in the twilight.
    Like your mom I wish I were there too. lol

  17. Sounds like you are having a most wonderful time Sue. I'm happy for you!

  18. I love sunsets and I love the coast, so this combination has to be a winner!!

  19. Amazing sunset pictures! You certainly did find a tranquil spot.

  20. Oh Sue. I envy you the ocean. There's something about it's immensity that puts things in perspective.

    Thanks for a splendid link to the letter S.

    Hugs and A++++++++++++
