Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tellin' It Like It Is

Is it just me?

Or do I have the best-looking kids and grandkids ever?
(albeit bearded,in some cases *sigh*)

Go ahead.

You can tell me.


I can take it.

Because I already know the answer...

{no bias here at all}


photos taken in Irvine at a family wedding

PS. Due to all the strangeness with Blogger lately, and in case it's true that the Follower option will not be with us much longer, please take a minute to scroll up to just above my Playlist and follow me on Linky Friends in the right sidebar so I don't lose track of you! Thanks!!

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  1. You do have some very good looking kids and grandkids there :) What a lovely family you have :)

  2. I'm going to have to arm wrestle you for it.

  3. I may have to join the match behind Laraine.

  4. You truly have a beautiful family. Great genetic pooling! I linky-ed you. Please pinky me back. :-)

  5. You have a gorgeous family and you are truly blessed. That's a lovely pic of them!~Ames

  6. I think they are all fantastically good looking, but I may a little bit on the bias side myself. At any rate, they are all photogenic at least, especially when they have that incredibly good photographer to take them. But, wait, she didn't take all of them, so they are definitely the best looking kids and grandkids ever!!

  7. I think you have a beautiful family - and I really like all the beards :-D

  8. Wonderful family photos. Greetings.

  9. Yeeaahh... I'll be standing behind Laraine and Jen - although I'm sure my eyes are a little bit blinded by pure bias. Your family runs a very close second, though, in my book. And honestly - I think your boys rock the beards. They really are a good looking bunch, Sue, all kidding aside. And they're all just as nice as they are good looking!

  10. Yeeaahh... I'll be standing behind Laraine and Jen - although I'm sure my eyes are a little bit blinded by pure bias. Your family runs a very close second, though, in my book. And honestly - I think your boys rock the beards. They really are a good looking bunch, Sue, all kidding aside. And they're all just as nice as they are good looking!

  11. A handsome bunch or of spring and grand off spring! Of course, there are two little boys in Ontario who would give them a run for their money!
    I must say, your boys can carry off the beards, though!

  12. They are beautiful, Sue, All of them! Those kids are just too stinkin' cute!!

  13. They are really cute and the beards are OK because it's the men who have them..as opposed to the women and children...and I also think that 99% of the LDS families I've ever known have the cutest kiddos! (mine included!)

  14. oh yea you do...smiles...
    you can keep that title for another 10-15 years...smiles.

  15. We happen to be very partial to beards here at the Bungalow. Since I do not yet have grandkids, I will have to agree with you : )

  16. They are pretty cute...that's for sure!

  17. You certainly do have a fine looking family!

  18. Great looking family. Totally agree.

  19. We're not gonna lie...those kids are too cute!

  20. I have to agree sweetie, a most handsome bunch!!!

    What can I say...the truth is in the photos.

    God bless and have an amazin' day! :o)

  21. I agree! You have one great looking family! :)

    p.s. I signed up for the linky followers on the sidebar but for some reason I am not showing on the list. I have to take Lizzie to school but when I come home and have a little more time, I will check it out again and see what happened. Maybe I'm supposed to receive an email or something? I will be back.
